Did you know that one in five girls will be sexually assaulted during their four years at college? Most of the time it is done by people that they know. The scariest part? Most of these cases go unreported. These victims are also most of the time diagnosed with psychological damages. These campus predators become serial offenders and they will not stop at any cost.
You may wonder why do these girls and guys not report their sexual assault? It has a great part to do with the reaction of others when they tell them. Victims are at risk of being slut shamed and made to believe it is their fault. People will question them and ask what they were wearing and if they were drinking, they will ask why they did not just run away. New flash sexual assault is never the victims fault, no one asks for the damages sexual assault comes with. It is not that easy of just running away and trying to fight back, these girls were silenced while it happened and people shaming them are silencing them too.
Victim shaming is being pro predator, let that sink in for a second. These girls are also afraid of their perpetrator especially when they are someone they know, they are afraid of getting hurt again. How do you tell your mom and dad you were assaulted? Do you know how that can make them feel, like they could not protect them from the monsters under their bed. It does not have to be like this anymore, rise up against sexually assault and learn to support a victim instead of blaming them.
This girls are sisters, daughters, best friends, classmates, but more than anything they are people. Their lives matter and it is hard enough they have to carry this on their back for their rest of their lives, do not make it worse.
Teach people not to rape instead of asking what they were wearing.