1. When you realize theres only a couple weeks of the semester left
2. But then your professors tell you there are still three exams, two quizzes, and a group project left...
3. So somehow you have to learn an entire's semester worth of work in two weeks.
4. When you email your professors begging for a curve or bonus points and they respond that the syllabus states they don't give out any extra credit.
5. Which means you actually have to suck it up and attempt to study for the first time all semester.
6. After hours of "studying" (procrastinating) you decide to reach out to the tutoring center
7. Once you're done your cramming you walk into your exam feeling not-so optimistic...
8. And as your professor walks around the classroom, you sit quietly acting like you're thinking of the answer but really all you're thinking is...
9. That feeling when you look at your grades and see you passed all your exams.
10. And you finally get to have a stress-free summer break.
Happy finals week!