Every college student has their own nightmares. Some have them weekly, others monthly. However I think across the board no matter what college you go to or what your major is, you can truly agree that the last month to month and a half of the semester is absolute hell. The running joke of failing 11 classes while only taking 5, is the accurate statement of this time for college students.
Despite working our rear-ends off already throughout the semester, it always seems that the month of April or November if it is the fall semester is awful. Every professor has their course's largest project or exam, or half a dozen small assignments that add up to over 40% of your final grade. This time is hell for college students and many parents or family members or non-college students don't realize this.
The Short Stuff
The Odyssey Online
Despite working our rear-ends off already throughout the semester, it always seems that the month of April or November if it is the fall semester is awful. Every professor has their course's largest project or exam, or half a dozen small assignments that add up to over 40% of your final grade. This time is hell for college students and many parents or family members or non-college students don't realize this.
The "Suds"
Encyclopedia Spongebobia
It is the last month that can make or break you mentally. It also seems at this time is when EVERYONE gets the plague of some kind. Yes I know the real plague was eradicated, however, whatever college you go to, you are more than 10x more likely to hear about the "XXX Plague" because you or someone you know contracted the disease.
Funds... or lackthereof
Know Your Meme
It is also at this point in the semester that after going home for Spring Break that paycheck you attempted to save has now almost been exhausted. This makes it a living nightmare because we all know that the one day you are late for class, you get a parking ticket because you parked in the electric car spot on campus because we all know NO ONE has an electric car as a college student.
Finals Week
We Heart It
The culmination of the hell month... FINALS WEEK. It really is the luck of the draw when it comes to what days and when you have your final exam, or if you are lucky it is online, or INSANELY lucky if you don't have a final exam at all. This week really drains all the life out of college students and gives even the best a mental breakdown day or two. But the one good thing about finals week is that after you take your finals... SWEET FREEDOM!