It's the end of another month, and to be quite honest, I'm v happy about that. It means that I'm one month closer to graduation, one month closer to turning 21, and one month closer to becoming an adult and entering "real life" (as if college doesn't expose that to me a bit already). In this article, I would like to share whatever random thoughts and questions that I have or have had at some point within this month.
1. Where's the time going?
I'm having a difficult time deciding on if I'm actually just very busy or if the year keeps going by way too quickly. Either way, I feel like I have a lot to do and a social life to have and it seems as if I am stuck with no time to do any of it.
2. I wish I was born as a koala bear.
They have it so easy -- sleeping and eating for most of their lives. Why can't that be me? I don't like having to adult. It makes me feel like an ancient artifact that's stuck with a bunch of responsibilities that I never asked for.
3. Why do I continue to deal with fake people and allow myself to be in toxic situations?
I should've learned to move on and not put myself in these situations and near these kinds of people, but I just haven't seemed to learn my lesson.
4. Are classes over yet?
Classes aren't fun. Undergrad is getting to be boring. My butt hurts from sitting too much and my ears are in pain from listening to my professors talk and talk and talk. The assignments are neither non-existent or are all thrown together at the same time, and it's so annoying. My favorite thing about when each class ends is the leaving the classroom part.
5. If the only kind of sushi that I had for the rest of my life happened to be avocado rolls, will I turn into an avocado?
JUST wondering -- but in all honesty though, I wouldn't mind that. Avocados don't have to wake up at random hours and deal with people nor do they understand what human interaction is.
6. I miss the beach.
RIP warm weather and getting sunburned way too often without a care to give.
7. Where's the snow?
If it's going to be this cold outside, it might as well start snowing. Although I severely despise the mess it leaves all over the streets here in New York, it serves as a great excuse for me to get out of unwanted plans that I probably wasn't going to attend anyway.
8. I wonder what would happen if I started to become more modernly chic and stepped up my Instagram game.
After having the same style for the longest time, I'm positive that it's time for change. On the note of my Instagram, I do have a pretty nice account at the moment. I don't hate it, but I know my account could be much better than it already is.