1. “Finals are in less than a month"
Well, here we are. Wasn't winter break just last week? How is it already the last month of school?
2. “So…what have we learned all semester?"
Ok so it's now time to buckle down and start studying. I need to gather all my notes, PowerPoints, and practice problems. Too bad I have none of that.
3. “How do you find her online lectures again?"
I know I've visited the class page a couple of times, but where's the link to watch her lectures again? Oh wait got it. Only 27 hours of lectures to watch. Totally doable.
4. “Is it too late to drop out?"
Hour 3 of lecture: send help. I can't do this anymore. I've had a good run though. I've made some memories, shared some laughs. This is the end. Goodbye college.
5. “What am I doing this summer?"
So I'm going to be sitting at home for 12 weeks. It's time to be serious and start developing my career, or at least my resume. Definitely need to start figuring this out.
6. "Maybe I should start looking for a job"
An internship might be too late to find, and studying abroad applications were due, so maybe it's time to find a job and make some money. I could totally use it – need to start saving for road trip and spring break 2k16.
7. “Maybe not"
Honestly, I'm so stressed out with school and I should really be focusing on my studies rather than looking for a summer job. I need to start acting like the model student that I am.
8. “Seniors :("
How are my senior friends already leaving? It's time for them to be real people…but…I'm not ready for them to be. And that's really all that matters.
9. “What am I going to do without 3 am delivery?"
The struggle for food after a night out is going to be so hard considering every place back home closes at 10 pm. This 5-hour time change is really going to throw me off. The casual 2 am pizza will be missed.
10. “The freshmen are coming, the freshmen are coming!"
It's time!!! The freshmen are coming soon! I can't wait to see all their little anxious faces. The future little in the family has also been accepted! Omg omg omg.
11. “Are there frat houses back home?"
Where am I supposed to get free alcohol before going to midtown? Wait, there is no midtown at home. There's a town center though. Starbucks with middle-schoolers will definitely be the place to be.
12. “What do I do without my roommates and sisters?"
No one ever prepared me for a life without the people I am with 24/7 in college. What does one do at home besides watch Netflix, play with their dogs, and freak out that their friends are so far away? Maybe I really should get a job.
13. “All of my friends need to move into my neighborhood"
Dorms and apartments make life so easy for me to eat, sleep, shower, study, and relax in every one of my friends' places. Therefore, it just makes sense for them to move into my neighborhood at home to keep all of our daily routines consistent. It's only a precaution.
14. “I'm going to start eating healthy and getting back into shape before fall semester"
With all of this time at home and no homework, I am determined to get fit and tone those six-pack abs I've always wanted. I might even train for a triathlon because…well why not? Go big or go home! Wait never mind I am going home.
15. “That hot lifeguard from Spain is my summer goal"
With my new hot bod and all the time I will have because of my current unemployment status, I might at well set my goals high. I mean, that lifeguard and I are bound to have the greatest conversations every time I go to the pool. I just have to figure out a way to talk to him first. Maybe I'll pretend to drown.
16. “I'm going to study so much next semester"
So maybe I should have gone to the library more or not binge watched Netflix instead of watching my review videos. But I promise I will be way more productive next semester and always do my homework on time. I've learned from my mistakes. New year new me.
17. “I hope my parents know that we eat in on the weekdays and eat out on the weekends"
Also, they must know that salad bar is a life savior and fruit pizza is a vital part of my diet. And if they leave food in the fridge, I will come raid it after a night out. I will also be expecting a late plate most nights.
18. “New apartment!!!!!"
It's finally time to move out of the place I've been waiting to leave for the past semester. Now it's time to go to every trendy store and find cute decorations and for my new apartment. A tapestry and lights over my bed are a must, and I need that Keurig. And maybe a cat because they are so cuddly and can just take care of themselves. Or a dog. Or maybe a snake. Or a maid. Where can I buy one of those?
19. “How am I not a freshman/sophomore/junior/senior anymore?"
Or in other words: “How the f did I get so old?!"
20. “I'm going to miss everyone so much"
It's only a summer and I'm not sure how to handle the separation anxiety from my best friends. We are all going to FaceTime and make road trips every weekend and send ugly snaps 24/7, but not constantly being with them is going to be so hard. When my parents ask why I'm on my phone so often, I'll be sure to tell them I'm doing homework. Maybe they'll believe me.