When you realize that you spent the entirety Thanksgiving Break doing absolutely nothing and now have no time to finish the piles and piles of assignments.
Two weeks isn’t that long right? I can do this. We can all do this. There’s a lot of papers, final exams, and classes to go to, but we can make it! It’s only two weeks. Let’s take this day by day.
When you realize there’s way more work to be done than you originally thought; if only you had started sooner, or managed your time better…
Trying to balance all of the last minute work, keep up with your job and/or internship hours, maintain friendships and a social life, eat healthy, workout, keep your room clean, shower…
Then, when the weekend finally comes and you need to push your work aside to regain some of your sanity.
When your life is falling apart in every aspect, but you want to justify that you’re not the only one.
Seeing your friends after a long day of debating which assignment to start first, and complaining about everything you have to do, but getting absolutely nothing done.
When anybody tries to have a conversation with you about the decisions you've been making and where your life is headed.
When people continue to ask you how you’re doing, even though you insist that everything is alright, and you're holding it together.
When your friends desperately try to give you advice, even though you know they’re struggling just as much as you are.
At the end of the semester, when all of the damage has been done, and you have to admit to your parents how the end of the semester actually went.
Just make sure you remember...
You will survive the end of the semester!