It's crunch time: you have four exams coming up, group projects, and finals. Here are five thoughts every student has before the end of the semester.
No one's sleeping, everyone's had eight ventis from Starbucks, people are pulling all-nighters, and there's not a study room to be found. Sounds like the end of the semester to me.
With finals right around the corner, everyone's stressing about their GPA and grades more than ever. Don't let this get in the way, though! Plan out your time and make sure you know when everything's due.
You have 15 meetings group meetings, studying for exams, meeting your sorority sisters, and you have all the homework you'd normally have as well. You're running around like crazy! Make sure to take time to sleep!
When all your exams and projects are finally turned in and you're ready to take a step back, relax, eat, and sleep! It's a glorious feeling, and one that only comes at the end of the semester.
Ready for summer!
You're ready to work, go on vacation, or whatever other summer plans you have! You worked hard, so now it's time to play hard! Unless you're taking summer classes...
I always enjoy the end of the semester because it's a time to reflect, and you also get a chance to relax and take a mental break. School is hard, and congrats to full-time/graduating students!