It's getting to be that time in the semester where professors are starting to realize how behind the class has gotten, and how much they still want to get done in the 4 weeks left before finals. Cue projects, presentations, group work and quizzes- on top of that final you will be having. This time of year is stressful, to say the least, and Spongebob Squarepants totally understands what this is like for us.
It starts off with the look your professor gets when he starts making plans for the rest of the semester.
And, in turn, this is how all of us students feel when we see that look cross their faces.
Finally, after lots of crazy thinking, your professor tells you the plan for the next 4 weeks, and you just try to stay positive.
But really, all you want to do is cry.
And go hide for the rest of the semester- maybe your professor won't notice and will just give you an A?
You walk back to your room after class, trying to make a "To-Do List" of all the things you will start working on as soon as you get there.
None of which actually ends up getting done, because Netflix.
Then the days start to sneak up on you, and you realize your project is due in 12 hours and you have started absolutely nothing. Nerves and stress slowly begin to kick in.
You start working hard and pump out that 10 page paper like it's the easiest thing you've ever done.
You've stayed up all night, but hey, you finally finished; even if you do look and feel terrible.
You turn that assignment in and the waiting game begins.
Finally your professor returns the projects. The waiting game is over, and well, at least you passed.
Now it's time to catch up on some much needed sleep and wait for the next project to start the whole process over again.