It's finally that time we've all been searching for this semester—Thanksgiving break. The semester has probably been one hell of a semester, and your mind is probably beaten down and exhausted. I know mine is. You're finding it harder to get up for class in the morning even when it's a 10 a.m., and one homework assignment is overwhelming to you. If you're that student right now, this one is for you.
Whoever told us college would be a breeze definitely lied to us. Sure, intro classes are a breeze to get through, but just going to them in the morning can be exhausting. When your alarm goes off at 9 a.m. and you got about 10 hours of sleep, you're still exhausted and want to lie in bed just because the anxiety of going to class and being even more overwhelmed is a burden. You're struggling, we all are. Although, it's important that you try your best. If you have to miss class, then you have to miss class. One thing I've realized as a college student is that if your mental health isn't what it should be, then your grades are going to reflect that.
You're tired, and we all understand that. The end of the semester, especially before Thanksgiving break, is probably one of the worst weeks except for finals. Professors start piling on the work, and it seems like you're drowning. Don't be too hard on yourself, though. Your best will be enough, that's all you can do.
You're READY to go home. Sure you love school, you love your friends and love your environment. But, it's time to get away from school. There's something about being at school that doesn't let you get rid of stress. The everyday thoughts of homework and priorities are something that you can't get away from even when you're in your dorm bed watching Netflix. It'll be nice to escape school just for a few days to get away from the anxiety and stress of everything.
So if you're freaking out and having major end-of-the-semester anxiety, keep this in mind: try your best. Take a mental health day and skip class if you need to. Treat yourself, get your favorite food, take an extra long shower and lie in bed and binge some Netflix. Just make sure you're ready to grind it out tomorrow.