Mom-shaming, an unnecessary sort of criticism that has been around for longer than it should, and it seems like nowadays everyone believes they are a better parent to your child than you. Most moms have experienced the unwelcomed advice about their child from someone at some point in their life, and it takes everything not to lose your cool.
It has seemed to become an even more popular trend that everyone knows how to raise your kid except for you. Maybe because of the popularity of social media and the sharing of our children's pictures and milestones or maybe just because people are extra courageous now, but it's getting worse. Even people who don't even have children seem to think they are certified to enter their two cents as well.
Mom-shaming is in all sorts of forms, whether it's up front from a random stranger or backhanded compliments from loved ones, everyone seems to be concerned on how you're taking care of your child. I've had it from family members to random people who I don't really know. Whether it's on how to feed my child or the outfit they have on for the day.
But it is time to end the horrible and destroying social trend known as mom shaming. It's baffling that things so personal such as how or what we feed our kids or if they are completely potty trained by two are people's business other than our own. It's now 2019, and the new thing we should all follow is minding our own business.
As we attempt to end the oh so fun mom shaming, remember to stand up for yourself. At the end of the day, you're the parent to your child, and you know what your child needs, no one else. Most people calling out mistakes, probably have or are making mistakes of their own. Mom-shaming is a way for others to feel better for themselves, so don't fall for the smokescreen and keep on being a rocking mom.
Unless my child is in immediate danger or I ask, keep your advice and opinions to yourself. If my child is happy and healthy, I'm doing something right. And if I need your advice I'll ask, if not, please stay in your lane.
So instead of tearing moms apart, let's build each other up.