We all know that when our clocks go back and the temperature seems to nose dive into Arctic weather, we can begin kissing some things goodbye. It's true that we don't have to truly let go until about the last week of November, but that time is coming quickly. It's only a matter of time before we're having to wait to be reunited with some of our favorite things of fall.
1. Multiple colored leaves.
Ah, the colors of fall. There's just something about the reds, oranges, and yellows of the leaves. Whether we're stuffing them into bags that look like pumpkins to set on our porches or raking them up just to jump in them (don't lie, you still do this), the trees will become barren due to the impending cold, and the leaves will become brown, crunchy reminders that the fall semester is almost over, and you still haven't read even one of the 25 pieces that will be on your American literature final.
2. The perfect weather.
It's time to start unpacking your winter wardrobe. Warmer days are few and far between now that November's in full swing. You're about to start seeing a lot of Ugg boots and monogrammed sweatshirts rather than the usual 'I'm about to sit through three 50-minute classes' t-shirt and shorts combination. Did I forget to mention it's legging season? Wave goodbye to that perfect fall weather we've come to love, and welcome in the North Pole.
3. College football.
Are you ready to stop hearing "Roll Tide"? It's drawing close to that time, my fellow, non-football-watching friends. Whether you're a forever fan or a rider on the bandwagon, plan your championship game parties while you enjoy the last few games of the regular season. Sure, you'll have Bowl games and the championship, but there's nothing like spending every weekend of the fall stuck in your recliner, eating hot wings and yelling at your TV.
4. Pumpkin spice lattes.
Everyone counted down the days for the return of the basic beverage of the fall. Fear not, you can still go get yourself a pumpkin spice latte, but it might be a good time to start weening yourself from them now. Starbucks will continue selling the popular drink until they run out of the ingredients or until they expire. Since just about every female considers it its own food group, it may not last the entire winter season, even if it sees the end of the fall.
5. "The Walking Dead"...for mid-season, anyway.
But wait, didn't this just come back on?! AMC enjoys giving us about two months of torture before taking "The Walking Dead" off the air for the winter season, and then unleashing even more torture again in February. There are only a few short weeks until the mid-season finale airs November 30th. We still have questions, Robert Kirkman! It looks as if you'll get to cuddle up with "The Walking Dead" during Thanksgiving, but you'll be spending Christmas break zombie-less. Just remember to make Valentine's Day reservations with the cast, as the mid-season premiere will air on February 14th.