Finals are here and I have my cap and gown, it’s hard to believe I graduate in just a few short days. Everything is changing and I’m about to leave a place that I have called home for the past 3 years. It’s hard to make a big jump from school to real life, so having some positive vibes and encouraging words from friends and family is always helpful and much appreciated.
“You are so smart, funny, and beautiful! You can rock anything. If you aim high, you'll reach your dreams! You are so talented. Please hit me up when you're in a big city someday being famous” –Arianna S-L
“Jenna, throughout this past year of knowing you we've grown much closer than I could have hoped for. You're a sweet woman with a heart of gold and you always look out for those around you. You're also one of the strongest women I know and your values are anchored deep within you. Always rely on them to guide you in the right direction and always fight for what you deserve. And never forget your sisters will be with you forever if you ever need anything.” –Ashley H
“Jenna, I've known you for almost 2 years now. Wow. Thanks for always being such a good friend and being down to do anything with me! Congrats on graduating and I can't wait to see what you do in your future. Whatever that is, I know you will do amazing! Good luck and don't forget about me” –Ashley R
“Congratulations on a big accomplishment! I'm so excited to see what you'll do in the future. I'll miss you so much, and I wish you the best of luck!” –Thea
“Congratulations! I'll miss seeing your smiling face at the Sigma house but I'm excited for you to go out into the big kid world and do amazing things!” –Sam K
“I know you are going to be totally awesome out there in the real world! Kick its butt!”
–Gabrielle M
“Always be who you are, and fight for what you deserve” –Cait H
“Jenna! i'm so excited for you! Your presence in Sigma will be so missed, but your impact on the world will be great! Wishing you all the best!” –Emma H
“I can't believe we met because we were talking about one of our projects for a fashion class. Fast forward a year and you're now my best friend in Kent. Our friendship has developed through mutual complaining about our classes and life in general, but I know we will still be friends long past college. From New York to going to the bars to study dates, you've been right beside me and I'm so grateful we met! I can't wait to see what our futures hold, and if you ever work in New York you better let me visit so we can keep exploring!” –Kelly W
“Jen! Congratulations on this amazing accomplishment! I am so very proud of all your hard work and dedication, and it has been wonderful watching your journey of self discovery these past few years. My biggest piece of advice:
Don't ever stop believing in yourself. You are a beautiful, talented, hard working, charming and intelligent young lady and I am looking forward to watching you show the world what you can do. Don't put so much weight on what others think about you- at the end of the day we all have to make choices that WE have to live with.... believe in yourself and ... make good choices.
Also, buy cute shoes. Even a dark day looks brighter if you're wearin' cute shoes. Love you my dear!!” –Aunt Patrice
“Jenna, I'm so happy that we've grown close as friends and I'm gonna miss you so much. I know you'll do fabulous and great things in the future and I can't wait to see you accomplish so much! Good luck on all of your new adventures ahead” –Lauren L
“I know I just met you, but you seem like an amazingly strong person, and I know that no matter what, you will do whatever it takes to achieve your dreams. Good luck”
– Leah P
“Triplet, you are the bomb. You are seriously the sweetest person ever! Thank you for welcoming me into our family, and thank you for inspiring me to keep a positive attitude no matter what life throws at me! Your perseverance is amazing!” –Emily H
I know that whatever life throws at me, I will always have these amazing people that support me in every decision I make, and that I will have these encouraging words to pick me up when I’m down. Thank you to everyone in my life.