I know, I know, you're freaking out, but other people won't understand. This is part of the reason you are even more anxious. No one quite knows what you're feeling or why you are feeling it. They think it's all in your head. Which it is, but that is the most dangerous place it can be. Panic.
Anxiety and panic attacks feel more real than life itself. I know this because I struggled with them. This is to help you understand what a person with anxiety deals with, possibly day to day. People with this disorder can seem so calm, yet feel so much hurt. For me, it was caused by suppressing my feelings throughout the day and then my body shutting down at night. That's when the panic sets in.
Anxiety/panic attacks are some of the scariest things you could deal with. You think you're dying, yet you know you're not, you just can't get your head and your heart lined up right. Your blood feels like it's going a million miles per hour through your veins. Your heart is beating so fast that it causes so much pain in your chest. You can't think straight. You shake. You get cold. You sweat. You can't remember how your lungs work. You're terrified. You literally think that you are dying. Do you get it yet?
Don't just tell someone with anxiety that things are going to be fine. They tell themselves that already, and it doesn't work. You have to convince them. Convince them that things will be fine by quietly waiting through it with them. Reminding them to breathe. Talk to them. Take their mind off of things. Pray with them and for them. Remind them that there is more to life than their worries.
So here's me in my attempt to talk to you survivors. There is healing and there is peace. Keep pushing through. Cast every worry on God and He will carry it. There is nothing in this world that you should be anxious about. This may cause you to think that being anxious is a sin. Truth is, it may be, but who are we to judge that? God made each person unique, but He did not intend for us to have anxious hearts. Talk to God through your healing. The only way out is through Him, I speak from experience.