Fear has all too often threatened my adventure. Just in this past week, I was asked if I was interested in the EIC (Editor-in-Chief) role for ENC's new Odyssey team. What?!? All last year I had dreamed of being a writer for Odyssey, sharing articles on the many causes that I am passionate about. Now as I am working on a bunch of seven year olds have an awesome summer and I am offered the chance to be a voice for ENC. So much good is possible in this opportunity. I knew that this would be my opportunity to share the heart that ENC has and our passions. Yet, fear gripped me and I was sure that I could not do it. I knew there were better writers than me and I felt inadequate and had little confidence in my abilities. In a split second of insanity, I said yes.
Saying yes when your instincts say no is terrifying. Stepping past your comfort zone is where real learning starts. When I said yes to being EIC, I took a leap. A leap from fear to growth. This is an opportunity too good to pass up. I am going to live this life to fullest and I am not going to risk messing up keep me from doing fun and exciting things. I am no expert in this whole overcoming fear thing but I want to invite you to join me in this growth. Take the plunge and go for what scares you. When trying to foster the courage to say yes, I looked to the wisdom of Bob Goff. One of my favorite authors and a real inspiration to just go for it in the name of love. Back in May, Bob tweeted, "Fear only has the power you give it. Hope works the same way." If we remain in the hope of the good that comes from stepping out of our comfort zone we steal the power that fear has. We can not let fear win.
I'm going to choose life over fear. After a few conversations with our managing editor, it was official, I was ENC's new EIC. I made it through a week of editing and as each article that comes across my screen, I smile. I smile because we have this amazing team of writers that have passions and insights that are now going to be shared. It's not going to be easy and there are probably going to be a few nights where I will sit awake worrying about our community. I know this is going to help my community and I grow exponentially. I can not wait for all of your to read our hearts.
As the summer comes to a close and the school year comes around, I pray we make the most of it. Trying our best, putting our hearts out there, and letting go of fear. Here's to ENC being a voice for change. I hope you join us in making the change and fostering hope. Don't fear, take the leap!