Ben & Jerry’s newest flavor is inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement and the name of it is Empower Mint. It is peppermint ice cream with fudge brownies and fudge swirls mixed in. Under the description of the newest ice cream on their website, it states; “This fudge-filled flavor reflects our belief that voting gives everyone a taste of empowerment, & that an election should be more “by the people” and less “buy the people”. We all deserve an equal serving of democracy.”
It’s nice to see businesses use their notoriety to spread awareness for such an important topic. It is an important message to be put out in this time of publicized events of police brutality. Especially because of election time and well, we know that it won’t get better if Trump wins… then again it probably won’t get better if Clinton wins either. Either way, it’s a great move on their part for making this new flavor, making this statement, telling people why black lives matter, and making sure it’s a flavor that looks like it tastes good as well.
You can read the rest of their letter here.
I personally appreciate and thank Ben & Jerry’s for this move. Now, before I go eat this whole carton of ice cream in one sitting, I need to go buy some Lactaid because me and dairy don’t mix.
Tip: If you’re in the UMass Amherst area, this flavor is being sold at the Big Y and Target in Hampshire Mall.