This is a response to If You've Ever Been Called Overly-Emotional Or Too Sensitive, This Is For You.
Ever sine I can remember, I have been called overly-emotional or too sensitive. It wasn't until I was older that I realized the negative connotation that comes with it. It is a notion that I never quite understood, and maybe that's because I am overly-emotional. This is my personal take on being too sensitive, and how it has impacted my life.
While I will say that there have been a lot of uphill battles with taking things too personally, and overthinking everything. When someone gives you criticism, you can't help, but get your feelings hurt. When someone uses a different tone with you, and your mind goes to a place of darkness instead of brushing it off your shoulders. The fact that I feel for everyone too deeply, which burns me in the end. Wait, I was defending being overly-emotional right, and not bashing it? While, there is a ton of negatives to feeling things on a deeper level. There are a ton of positives that nobody talks about like the fact that you try and take everyone's perspective into what you are saying. You try to be kind to everyone because you have self-awareness, or that every emotion you feel is that much stronger.
I have been criticized my entire life for taking things too personal and while it hurts my ego, I wouldn't change it for the world. I think the saying, 'it's better to feel something than nothing at all', applies to this situation. My biggest question is, would you rather go through life numb and a robot. Would you rather feel things beyond surface level and learn life lessons along the way that help you become a better person. I would choose the second option every single time, and I know there is a lot of people who wouldn't. That second door brings a lot of pain, and heartache, but it also opens your eyes to the finer things in life. It shows you the moments that may be small to some people are bigger to the overly-emotional. I have had to keep myself in-check a lot of the time, because I have had too big of mood swings when it comes to having too much emotions in certain situations. I personally would rather feel everything all at once, then feel nothing at all or even very little.
So, if you are a fellow overly-emotional person, then do not bury that side of you, bring it out for the world to see. I am not saying do not contain it and let it grow where the wild things roam, but let it come out to play now and then. You would be shocked at how much it can help you in life, and how much it is valued. Instead of calling it overly-emotional or too sensitive, I have a replacement word for everyone to use. Let's break the negative connotation, and call it being an empath.
My fellow empaths, please continue to feel more passionately, cry if you need too and love more deeply.