There's just something about going home. It doesn't seem to matter if you're three minutes, three hours, or 30 hours from home, oftentimes we find ourselves counting the days until we see our families and friends at home again. It's especially true around this time of year. Spring is coming, we're all tired of winter, and school is starting to catch up with us. Going home generally is like getting a small break from the stress of school. So in honor of spring break, I want to share with you some of the feelings I get when I'm on my way home.
1. Joy.
One of the most prevalent feelings I get on my way home is overwhelming joy. I'm getting to see my family and friends as well as just be back in my hometown. I can't wait to see my sisters, who change a little every time I show up, and my mom and dad. There are certain restaurants that I love going to basically every time I'm home, there are friends I only get to see every once in a while, and there are changes to see when I'm home. Not to mention that my mom's cooking is going to be better than the dining hall any day of the week. What more is there to ask for?
2. Anxiety.
If you're anything like me, on your way home you're worrying about getting things done while you're home. I'm looking at my to-do list and going, "I've got to remember to get my hair cut, wash my clothes, buy another notebook..." As for getting homework done, I've stopped even trying to bring my textbooks home - I know I won't be doing work. I'm far too distracted while I'm home to study...which just means more work when I get back. Yikes! (Moral of the story is do work before spring break. Just a word of advice.)
3. Sadness.
In contrast to the joy I feel of going home, I also am sad to leave my college campus. Greensboro is incredible and where I spend the majority of my year, I can't say I'm ever excited to leave such a beautiful place. I know it's for a very good reason - like I said, I'm still happy to be going home - but there's always that longing to be back in your room at school. Plus you tend to miss your college buds while you're home. It's bittersweet.
4. Excitement.
But I'm so excited to be going home! Honestly, this is really similar to joy but it's different in a key way. Excitement, according to, literally means "to stir to action" and that's exactly what happens when I go home. I'm very rarely just sitting on the couch watching Netflix - though that is quite appealing. I'm typically running errands with my mom, helping my sisters with every day problems, spending time with my boyfriend, or visiting a friend somewhere else. There's not just a lot of time to spend sitting down.
5. Calm.
There's something incredibly calming about being with your family or the people that matter most to you. As I get closer to home, a feeling of peace just sweeps over me. Why? Because I'm with people who aren't grading me on my performance, I'm just with people who care about my wellbeing. For me, some of the key people I call when I'm struggling with a problem are at home. Being in person and able to talk about anything I need to clarify, it's unreal just how relaxed I can become.
Those are just some of the many emotions I feel on the way home. It's not nearly all of them! Is there a feeling I left out that you feel on your way home? Share what your emotions are in the comments below!