When the summer ends and school begins, you can feel many different emotions. Different people have many different thoughts and feelings towards school and it starting, but we may share some of the same. Here is a list of a few emotions you may be experiencing now that school is back in session.
It's kind of a bittersweet moment when school starts. It's so sad that when can't do all of the exciting things whenever you want to, and that you have to spend all day in class. Also, looking in your bank account after paying tution is extremely sad. Suddenly you have to think twice about how many coffee stops you can make.
Suddenly you can't just relax and think about as little as possible, but you have to worry about each thing that could possibly happen in the coming semester. Will you have good professors? How heavy will your work load be? Will you even have time to do anything besides school?
You can easily get irritated about everything because you're not on summer break anymore. You're still in denial that school has started and that summer is over, and logging into your school account and seeing almost 100 notifications of projects due throughout the semester can be extremely irritating.
Too many things to do, and too little time to complete them. Did they really just assign homework on the first day??? Why am I so tired? Is it time to graduate yet?
You're finally back in school with all of your friends, and you can get back into your routine. You can start planning for next summer and looking forward to all of the Fall activities you can do. You can look forward to wearing boots and sweaters, and eating/drinking all things pumpkin spice!
Don't stress being back in school too much! Even though you may have anxiety about all the due dates, irritated, and sad about not spending all your time outdoors or at the beach, you can also be happy and excited for what is to come. There is so much more to look forward too this year!