I am a sensitive human being. There is no doubt about it. I cry when I am sad, happy, mad, frustrated, etc., -- the last couple of years, especially. I have had some big changes to overcome, which with some you might be able to relate. Senior year of high school and graduation, leaving for freshman year of college, saying goodbyes and new hellos, finishing my freshman year of college, saying some more goodbyes and back home hellos, the list goes on and on. I use to think that being emotional was something you needed to hide or that you could only have one emotion at a time, but here I am crying because I am overjoyed or laughing because I am so frustrated. It is so contradicting, but you know what? It is OK.
Emotions are what makes us alive and human. If we did not have emotions, we could not experience or live life to the full extent. Some emotions are more favorable than others, but if we were never sad or angry, we could never be filled with joy or excitement. Emotions are okay. They are okay because sometimes we do not like them and others we want to experience so badly. It is an every day battle, so they are just okay.
On June 19, 2015, the Disney Pixar film "Inside Out" was released into theaters. I believe this film was one of the greatest creations this team has produced. Even though it is a PG animation, this is a film for everyone. It is fun, friendly and has a deep meaning behind it. There is a direct look on specifically five emotions, joy, sadness, anger, fear and disgust, but it is also much greater than just these five. As audience members, we embark on this journey with Riley and all the emotions and find out how emotions can work together to create a unique experience and it shows how it is okay to have mixed emotions in any situation.
Ever since the film came out, and mostly this past week, I have thought about my own emotions, and this is what I have concluded. Do not hide your emotions. Do not suppress your emotions. Emotions are not always nice, but they are healthy. Emotions show who you are as a person, and that is truly beautiful. I guess what I have learned over the years is not to be embarrassed by how you feel because that makes you who you are, and who you are is beautiful. I guess it also depends on the situation, but this is my overall conclusion.
Emotions are just OK, but how you express them is far more than just OK. It is incredible.