Anxiety is a real disorder. Almost everyone gets nervous and feels stressed out from time to time. It’s pretty standard to feel anxious before a job interview or a first date. If something matters to you, it makes sense that you would be nervous about it. Everyday anxiety is natural.
Anxiety disorders are a different story. It comes in all shapes and sizes, and it consumes your life. It could be in the form of panic attacks, irrational fears, physical tension, extreme perfectionism, self-consciousness and so many more. People with anxiety disorders can’t just turn it off; it stays with them in everything they do.
Someone with a diagnosed anxiety disorder could be recommended for an Emotional Support Animal (ESA). This is a real thing, not just a scam to force your rental management company to allow you to have a pet in your apartment. Of course everyone loves their furry friends, but to some people, it's more than just a pet.
It’s a service animal. It’s really the same concept as any service dog that you see on the street. These animals are helping people with emotional and mental disorders. It's relieving and it can genuinely restore mental health.
Mental Health is important to nourish. ESA's can help do this. It can be as simple as having a cat curled up in your lap. Having a small warm animal that loves you so much trusting you as it sleeps in your lap can be unmatchably calming. It can physically reduce symptoms of anxiety. Having something soft to spend time with and even to just sit and pet can calm you. The simple action of petting an animal can help to take time to decompress and relax, which is hard for people with anxiety disorders.
Caring for an animal can also give people with anxiety disorders something else to focus on. Pets rely on their owners. Having something to take care of can help to direct focus to the animal rather than whatever life event is weighing so heavily at the time. It can help to divert and relieve some of mental tension that is constantly building.
Having a dog as an ESA can help to get people outdoors. Being in the fresh air with sunshine can help to promote positivity. Dogs need to go on walks and play outside. Taking them out for walks or to the park can help alleviate some symptoms.
ESA's are valid service animals that can truly help people that suffer from anxiety disorders or other forms of mental health disorders. They can soothe and calm in a unique and very real way.