Reaching the last year of your college career is a bittersweet experience. It is feeling excited and scared at the exact same moment. It is knowing that your life is about to change and having to make the most important decision of your life. Being a senior involves so many emotional stages that it is its own emotional rollercoaster.
1. Excitement. The first weeks after you're last semester as a junior you can’t get over the idea that you’re finally a senior. The excitement is overpowering and you simply can’t get enough of telling everyone you are a senior.
2. Anxious. The first day of class couldn't come any sooner, the first day makes everything more real.
3. Laziness. Everything becomes too much work. Homework? Papers? Readings? Senioritis? Netflix, yes Netflix.
4. Reminiscing. You probably have that one class with freshman's or sophomore’s that brings back memories. That’s when it finally hits you that you’re life is about to change and you begin to wish you weren't about to graduate.
5. Contemplation. What am I going to do with my college degree? What is my life going to be? I’m not ready to adult!
But the reality is: