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tales of an emotional spender: 10 ways to control your spending

Shopping sure feels nice at first, but the repercussions aren't worth it.


Whenever I have a bad day, the first thing I want to do is buy something to soothe my pain. A pretty dress, a funky gadget, it doesn't matter what it is. However, being a poor college student isn't compatible with such lavish spending. I've decided to take control of my spending and did some research on the best ways to do so!

Learn to identify your triggers.

If you can identify the emotions that make you feel like spending money, you can control the urge. If you know that tomorrow will be a long day and you'll probably want to spend money, make plans to hang out at home and watch movies with your friend/do something that doesn't cost money.

Unsubscribe from store mailing lists.

Stores are always sending me emails about a HUGE sale they are having or attach coupons, and it makes it so much easier to justify spending money. Not only will unsubscribing from their emails keep your email inbox neat, you won't be more tempted than you already are.

Deleted your saved credit card information from websites.

With Amazon's terribly wonderful one-click shopping, I've bought hundreds of dollars worth of stuff without batting an eye. If you delete your credit card information off websites, you will be forced to type in the numbers before purchasing anything. This could give you an extra second to think about if you really need what you are purchasing.

Find a buddy to keep you in check.

Just like dieting and pretty much everything else in life, it is much easier to complete a task if you have a buddy checking on you. If you feel the need to shop, call your friend and talk to them about what you want to buy and why. They can remind you of your emotional shopping issue and give you a nudge in the right direction.

Try the 24 hour rule.

If there is something I really want, I use the 24-hour rule. The rule is simple: If you want to buy something, see if you still want it after 24 hours. This will give you more time to justify the purchase or decide against it.

If you do shop, don't ignore how much you spent.

You're not perfect, and neither am I. Sometimes you will go on an emotional shopping spree, and that's all there is to it. When you do, keep track of how much you spent and get the bills under control. Ignoring the problem will only make it become more overwhelming in the long run and even more expensive.

Immerse yourself in a free hobby.

When you feel a trigger coming on, try to find something to do that doesn't cost anything or that can distract you. I've found that reading, going for a walk or a bicycle ride or just jamming out to some music can help me fight the urge.

Don't hide your spending from your S.O.

Hiding your spending from your S.O. is a big fat NO NO. Not only is this bad for your relationship, but it can lead you to another trigger. For example, if you normally hide your spending from your S.O. and you became angry with them, shopping could seem like a good way to get back at them/stay angry.

Ask yourself if this spending is worth putting off your future goal.

If you're itching for a new car or a vacation, try to remind yourself of this when you feel the urge to shop. The shopping you are doing now is going to push you even further away from your goal.

Treat yourself every once in a while.

Just because you have an emotional spending problem doesn't mean you aren't allowed to treat yourself every now and again. It's important to reward yourself with something you enjoy. It just can't be an everyday kind of a deal. Also, if you only treat yourself every now and then, it will feel more special when you do!

I hope these ideas can help you if spending is something you do to comfort yourself. Remember, just because you buy yourself something nice every once in a while doesn't mean you have a problem. Moderation is key!

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