Often when we send or receive emails we sometimes misunderstand the tone. Whether it be from a boss, coworker, or teacher there is no way to be absolutely positive when they have a serious tone or a more sarcastic tone. This is why the use of emojis should be allowed in the professional world.
We've come a long way from bottles with notes in them to cellphones, these cellphones were made to make life a lot easier and even have abilities that make them very useful. The most commonly used ability cellphones are known for are emojis. Emojis were created to help people all over express themselves through texts messages, why not use them for what they are made for? Emojis aren't that old but we definitely have no idea how we lived without them. Emojis help express our emotions through texts because most people can't read your facial expression through your phone. It would be cool to read minds but we can't do that either! We have had so many different texting trends growing up, from using numbers as letters to shortening words
Have you ever sent an email or text to someone and they got the wrong idea? I have, way before emojis were made people got the wrong impression all of the time when I would send texts. So why not use emojis as a simple solution? I believe that emojis are the answer to fixing awkward emails. We often say things that can be taken two different ways. Humans being humans tend to take almost everything the wrong way. We all interpret things differently except when we use emojis. We all can tell the difference between sad emoji, happy emoji, and angry emoji. Adding a simple emoji to any conversation can eliminate the confusion of trying to figure out what someone means.
Although emojis have a connotation of not being very formal, there could be some business appropriate or formal emojis just to express the simplest of emotions. Some emotions that can be used in business or in a formal conversation are fearful, anger, stress, etc. These simple emojis could possibly save you from getting fired! Think about how many times sending a laughing emoji has saved a friendship. I'm just saying, emojis seem to be the talk of the text world with more coming every few months why not add them in emails and make life simpler? Emojis would definitely help teachers reach out to students in a way that students will understand
We decided to add emojis to text because they are more than funny and cute characters, they were made to help people express themselves when not in person or not on a phone call. One day we should push for emojis to be used for what they were made for even in the professional world they could be a huge help! No more awkward emails and situations emojis are the solution to all of these professional and formal conversations and the world should realize it.