2. My Chemical Romance - "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)" | The Odyssey Online
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Your Emo Middle school self would have this 50 Song playlist on repeat

It's NOT a phase, Mom.


Don't try and act like you didn't go through an emo phase at some point in your life, because we all know you're lying. Quite possibly the best part of the emo phase, besides the black nail polish, was all the great music we got to listen to. Even now, I find myself listening to the same songs and still loving them just as much as I did in middle school.

Here's a list of songs to listen to the next time you're feeling like reminiscing on those sideswept purple bangs.

1. Yellowcard - "Ocean Avenue"

2. My Chemical Romance - "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)"

3. Paramore - "Misery Business"

4. Panic! At The Disco - "I Write Sins Not Tragedies"

5. We The Kings - "Secret Valentine"

6. Boys Like Girls - "Heels Over Head"

7. Simple Plan - "Addicted"

8. blink-182 - "All The Small Things"

9. 3OH!3 - "Starstruckk"

10. The Click Five - "Just The Girl"

11. All Time Low - "Dear Maria, Count Me In"

12. Lit - "My Own Worst Enemy"

13. Good Charlotte - "I Don't Want To Be In Love"

14. Third Eye Blind - "How's It Going To Be"

15. The All-American Rejects - "Swing, Swing"

16. Avril Lavigne - "Sk8er Boi"

17. Fall Out Boy - "Sugar, We're Goin Down"

18. Bowling For Soup - "1985"

19. Fountains of Wayne - "Stacy's Mom"

20. Say Anything - "Wow, I Can Get Sexual Too"

21. Jimmy Eat World - "The Middle"

22. Green Day - "Wake Me Up When September Ends"

23. Sum 41 - "In Too Deep"

24. Cartel - "Honestly "

25. Weezer - "Beverly Hills"

26. My Chemical Romance - "Welcome To The Black Parade"

27. Paramore - "Decode"

28. Panic! At The Disco - "Nine In The Afternoon"

29. We The Kings - "Check Yes Juliet "

30. Boys Like Girls - "The Great Escape"

31. Metro Station - "Shake It"

32. 3OH!3 - "Don't Trust Me"

33. Simple Plan - "I'm Just A Kid"

34. blink-182 - "First Date"

35. Good Charlotte - "The Anthem"

36. The All American Rejects - "Dirty Little Secret"

37. The Killers - "Mr. Brightside"

38. Third Eye Blind - "Semi-Charmed Life"

39. Fall Out Boy - "A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More 'Touch Me'"

40. Cobra Starship - "Good Girls Go Bad"

41. Bowling For Soup - "High School Never Ends"

42. 3OH!3 - "My First Kiss"

43. All Time Low - "Break Your Little Heart"

44. Cartel - "Lose It"

45. The Killers - "All These Things That I've Done"

46. Panic! At The Disco - "Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off"

47. Paramore - "That's What You Get"

48. Fall Out Boy - "Thnks fr th Mmrs"

49. Simple Plan - "Perfect"

50. Yellowcard - "Only One"

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