10 Songs That Every Emo Kid Knows
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10 Songs That Every Emo Kid Knows

MCR awoke the emo kid in all of us.

10 Songs That Every Emo Kid Knows

The rock/alternative band My Chemical Romance broke the internet with the surprise drop of a 33-second video on all their social media accounts, which hinted that they may be having a reunion in September (the band broke up on March 22, 2013). Of course, the next day, they announced that the surprise was to promote the release of their most known album, "Welcome to the Black Parade" to honor its upcoming 10th anniversary. Though not everyone has a special connection with this band, those who had an emo phase at one point in their life hold them close to their hearts. One song, in particular, their most well-known song, "Welcome to the Black Parade," off the 2006 album, is especially close to the hearts of some. The first note of this song makes people jump up (and maybe cry a little) so that they are ready to perform their duty as a "Killjoy" and belt the song at the top of their lungs. "Welcome to the Black Parade" is often considered the anthem for "emos," but there's more than just this song. For those who had an emo phase, these ten songs will take you back to the days of fringes and XD in your chat logs.

1. Panic! At The Disco - Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off

Of course, everyone knows "I Write Sins, Not Tragedies," but in terms of iconic songs, this one has it all. The video is strange enough to catch your eye and help you remember the song. P!ATD, Fall Out Boy, and MCR are unofficially recognized as the emo trinity. Which brings us to number two...

2. Fall Out Boy - This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race

No emo kid playlist is complete without a little FOB. It doesn't count if the song is from anything after "Infinity on High," though, because FOB's sound changed from "emo rock" to straight alternative after that album. Besides, just look at Pete Wentz's eyeliner in the video.

3. The Killers - Mr. Brightside

Though most people are familiar with this song, emo kids can easily belt the words out to this song the minute it comes on the radio. Brandon Flowers' combination of screaming high notes in a chest voice really brings this entire song together.

4. The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Facedown

Now we're getting into the songs that you may not remember by name, but the minute you hear it, your fringe is back and you're head-banging while screaming the words. This would be one of those songs.

5. Blink-182 - I Miss You

If you say you're not happy about the return of Blink-182, you're lying. But nothing will compare to this song, let alone this entire album. Also, I was hard stuck between this and "Adam's Song."

6. Jack's Mannequin - Dark Blue

If you think you've heard this voice on the radio recently, you would not be wrong. Andrew McMahon no longer uses the name Jack's Mannequin, but instead goes by- you guessed it- Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness. It's great to hear his stuff again on the radio, even if it's not as emo as his previous songs released under his other name.

7. Bring Me The Horizon - Blessed With a Curse

I definitely don't have BMTH's latest album on my phone. Nope, that would be silly. I'm not emo anymore, I don't know what you're talking about.

8. Muse - Uprising

Just listening to any Muse song makes me wanna go bash a wall in with a sledgehammer and raise hell. This song just sums up how it feels to listen to a Muse song, if we're being honest.

9. Paramore - Misery Business

Ah, Hayley Williams, the definition of emo girl. The crazy, messy hair, full of different colors as well as the loud eyeshadows and, oh boy, the eyeliner. She knew what was up. No wonder this band was so big.

10. Simple Plan - Welcome To My Life

Did you really think I WASN'T going to put this on the list? This is the teenage anthem for anyone who felt even a bit out of place. Blaring this song in your room was the key to being emo.

MCR may have awoken the emo in us, and then quickly killed it, but the emo kids of America will live on. Your emo phase may have ended, but it will never die.

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