2. "Seinfeld" | The Odyssey Online
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10 Emmy Award Winning Comedies You Need To Watch Right This Minute

The Emmys awards are held every year, but they announce one TV show to come out on top as best comedy series of the year.

10 Emmy Award Winning Comedies You Need To Watch Right This Minute

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I have been fascinated by comedy, at one point even wanting to become a comedian or get into comedy from a young age. Over the years I have watched countless shows, but comedy shows are ones I gravitate more. There are so many good comedy shows over the years, but there can only be one winner for best comedy series for the Emmys every year. This is a list of the top ten best Emmy award-winning comedy series that you should watch!

1. "The Office"

the office

"The Office" won an Emmy for best comedy series back in 2006 for most outstanding comedy series. "The Office" is a fake documentary that centers on a paper company, Dunder Mifflin and daily activities that happen in the office. The show is hilarious and every character has their quirks and personal styles that make each character unique and funny. This show I have seen too many times all the way through, but each time I still love it. This show is one of my favorite Emmy award-winning comedy series to date.

2. "Seinfeld"


Often called the best sitcom of all time. "Seinfeld," one of the most successful and profitable tv shows to date, but it is for a reason. This tv show ran from 1989-1998 and won only one Emmy for best comedy series in 1993. The show was created by legendary writer Larry David and comedian Jerry Seinfeld. The show revolves around Jerry Seinfeld and his life with his friends while living in New York City during the 90s. The show is filled with gags and jokes that are outright hilarious. This is one of my favorite show, but many people my age haven't seen Seinfeld. This is a show I highly suggest to watch.

3. "Fraiser"


"Fraiser" is a great sitcom show that is based in Seattle where Fraiser Crane, a radio host, and psychotherapist who helps people deal with their problems on air. He lives in a gorgeous apartment with his father. The show also has Fraiser's brother who always comes to visit. The show won best comedy series five years in a row, from 1994-1998. I started watching this show not having many expectations going into, but after becoming invested in the show, I fell in love. The show is filled with witty, goofy, but yet charming characters throughout. This show was great and is definitely worth all the awards it received.

4. "Modern Family"

modern family

This show has been going on since 2009 and doesn't show ending anytime soon. The shows have now been on for ten seasons and from 2009-2014 the show won best comedy series for six years in a row. The shows revolve around a family in Southern California and the shenanigans the family gets themselves into. The show itself has received a critical response as being the best comedy series of the 2010s. The show is filled with great laughter and hilarious situations the characters are in. This show was one of the first shows I started watching religiously.

5. "Friends"

friends tv

Who doesn't enjoy "Friends?" Most kids my age have seen friends or heard about it. The show ran for ten seasons and as the seasons went on, the show was better. The show's cast went on to have very successful careers after the show was over. The show is based in New York and focuses on a group of friends who are trying to makes ends meet in the biggest city in the country. The show was so successful, it went on to win the Emmy of the best comedy in 2002. I have enjoyed watching this show, seeing the show at one time. I really had a great time watching the show and had great chuckles throughout.

6. "Arrested Development"

arrested development

"Arrested Development" is a masterpiece of a show, the show had a short run, but the impact the show made in the comedy-drama is tremendous. The show ran only ran a short time from 2003-2006 compared to the other shows on the list. The show won the Emmy for best comedy in 2004. Even though the show ran for a short time it was filled with laughter, witty remarks, great and funny pop culture messages that you cannot help but laugh.

7. "Everybody Loves Raymond"

everybody loves raymond

Yet another great sitcom on this list, "Everybody Loves Raymond" had a great run spanning from 1996-2005. The show received many accolades throughout the run, including Best Comedy Series in 2003 and 2005. The show had a great cast that knew how to make an audience laugh. The show created laughs and had me even laughing until it hurts in some episodes. My parents got me into this show while I was young, but I never really invested in the show as some others on the list. But even while watching it I was thrilled while watching it.

8. "Cheers"


This list is filled with a lot of sitcoms, but no other show had a bigger impact than "Cheers" did. "Cheers" ran from 1982-1993 and had an overall of eleven seasons throughout it's over decade long run. The show eventually went on to win three Emmy's. The show became as big as any other show can during the time it is on air. The show had a stacked cast, many people from the show went on with a successful career. I became really invested into this show and had great laughs throughout the series.

9.  "I Love Lucy"

i love lucy

This is a show that changed television and had more influence than any other shows on this list. "I Love Lucy" was a show that ran in the mid-1950s to the early 1960s. The show was one of the first of it's kind for television. The show went on to win two Emmy's for best comedy. For me personally, I have never really watched the show, but the impact and the way comedy series are viewed on TV after the show aired on TV. "I Love Lucy" deserves to be on this list.

10. "Will and Grace"

will and grace

In the eight original seasons run for this groundbreaking sitcom, the show was on top of the world. Winning multiple awards for the actor and even as a show. The show took home best Emmy for a comedy series in 2000. This show deserves more for how funny and how brilliant the wiring for the show is. The show continues to run today and has no plan of stopping soon. The show is based in New York and focuses on "Will and Grace," two roommates who like to get into bad situations with each other. The show is great and filled with hilarious gags, but even though I haven't watched much of it I still think it's worth the watch.

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