8 Times Emma Roberts Slayed The Roles She Was Given
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8 Times Emma Roberts Slayed Her Roles In These Movies & TV Shows

From Madison Montgomery to Nancy Drew, there's a character for anyone to love.

8 Times Emma Roberts Slayed Her Roles In These Movies & TV Shows

In case you were in need of inspiration for what to binge this weekend, here are some of Emma's best roles in different movies and shows. She's definitely in more films/shows that also deserve credit, but something about these just hit differently. Emma continues to inspire millions of people around the world by being a true icon.

1. 'Aquamarine' - Claire Brown

Maisa Teat

Taking the number one spot, hands down is Emma's role as Claire in 'Aquamarine.' This movie is a classic and is beloved by many for so many reasons. Emma, along with JoJo and Sara Paxton, creates the perfect trifecta that makes us all wish we had a mermaid BFF. Claire is just trying to get a mermaid wish to help keep her only friend Hailey from moving to Australia. Emma's acting, combined with the cast, makes 'Aquamarine' the ideal candidate for number one. Also, this movie single-handedly made all of us want to dye our hair blue and for that influence alone, it should win.

2. 'American Horror Story' - Madison Montgomery

Obviously coming in at an extremely close second, the number two role is the spellbinding Madison Montgomery. Emma as Madison is arguably the best fictitious character since Regina George. Madison is a self-centered hyper-confident witch who is slightly narcissistic- AKA, a boss ass bitch. Madison is also a famous Hollywood actress used to getting things her way, the perfect fit for Emma, don't ya think? This is the role she was born to play, which is why she does it so f*****g well and why Madison has literally come back from Hell to be a character on multiple seasons. This is a must-see.

3. 'Scream Queens' - Chanel Oberlin

Another close contender, and rounding out the top three, is Emma Robert's portrayal of Chanel Oberlin in 'Scream Queens.' Chanel is a self-centered, almost dictator-like, president of her sorority Kappa Kappa Tau. Chanel ruthlessly tears down her minions "The Chanels," which consists of Ariana Grande, Billie Lourd, and Abigail Breslin. She still expects nothing but complete loyalty from them, which she gets because she's Chanel Oberlin. Emma as Chanel is not the hero we deserved, but the hero we needed.

4. 'Wild Child' - Poppy Moore

Not as well known is the character Emma portrayed in Wild Child,' Poppy Moore. If you haven't seen 'Wild Child,' go rent it immediately. If you have seen this truly amazing film, then you already understand. Poppy Moore is a high school Malibu diva who is sent to boarding school in England. She then *spoiler alert* falls for Alex Pettyfer's character, who happens to be the headmistresses' son, all while realizing boarding school might not be as bad as she thought it would. This not-as-mainstream Emma Roberts movie is the perfect rainy day flick.

5. 'Unfabulous' - Addie Singer

Addie Singer's songs about middle school always knew exactly how to put into words things we just could not. Young Roberts played Addie on the television screens of Nickelodeon for three seasons. This pivotal role in her early acting career set her up for stardom in many of the movies we love.

6. 'We're the Millers' - Casey Mathis/Casey Miller

Emma's character Casey in the comedy 'We're the Millers' is absolutely hilarious alongside Jennifer Aniston, Jason Sudeikis, and Will Poulter. She is a runaway troubled youth with a quick wit just trying to make a buck helping Jason's Sudeikis' character transport marijuana across United States borders- iconic. Also, she makes street living look... good? Like, she legit had an iPhone?

7. 'Nancy Drew' - Nancy Drew


Another family favorite, Emma in the movie 'Nancy Drew.' Y'all already know we stan an investigative queen. She was the original influencer, wearing loafers long before they were trendy. Slaying the vintage style while the Instagram girls were still on the playground! Nancy is sweet, young, and as seen in the movie, genuinely smarter than her local police force. Reminds me of myself!

8. (Honorable Mention) 'Hotel for Dogs' - Andi

Not quite landing an official ranking, but an honorable mention goes to Emma's role as Andi (she doesn't even have a last name) in 'Hotel for Dogs.' This movie is not cinematic gold, but it has a cute message and in it, they save a bunch of homeless dogs, which is good. Also, it has 'Wizards of Waverly Place' star Jake T. Austin in it, hence the honorable mention.

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