For those of you that don't know, I have Emetophobia. Emetophobia is the fear of vomit/seeing vomit/vomiting, and everything in between. Sometimes, even someone coughing super hard is a trigger. It is an awful fear to have, and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
1.) If you have the stomach flu, please stay home!!
If you are sick, you should be home, getting rest so you can feel better faster. When you go out in public with the stomach flu, you are not only hurting yourself, but you are also a danger to others. The stomach virus can kill small children and the elderly, and it is a huge inconvenience for people with good immune systems. You are not needed that badly, please take care of yourself. Don't go to that party, and do not go to work, especially if you work in a restaurant!! That's disgusting and unsanitary.
2.) No, it is not just an extreme hatred. I am actually afraid of it!
When I tell people that I have emetophobia, people normally say "I hate vomit too!" or "It's just a little puke! No reason to freak out!". Just no. There is only so much I can take before I punch your insensitive face.
3.) Please don't pretend to throw up in front of me on purpose.
If you are willing to mess with someone's fear like that, you are a terrible person. It's as simple as that. It's not hard to not be a jerk. If you cannot handle being a mature human being, kindly walk away before my fist connects with your nose.
4.) It is actually a very common fear, but a lot of people don't realize they have it!!
My fear started in 4th grade, so I thought I was weird because everyone else thought it was hilarious. However, when I got into high school, I made friends who also had it! If you have emetophobia, you are not alone. There are online support groups that can help! You are not crazy, your fear is real, and your feelings are valid.
5.) Emetophobia is different for every person who has it.
For example, I have gotten a lot better with other people getting sick in front of me, but I still have a full blown panic attack when I feel sick. Some people can't even hear the word "vomit" without having a panic attack. My heart goes out to the people who have this fear much worse than I do! I used to be one of those people, and it is very hard to deal with. I am still working very hard on overcoming it, and I believe that anyone can overcome it. It will take lots of hard work, but I think it is manageable. If you don't believe that it's possible, you can use me as an example. I am a success story!
If you have emetophobia, I believe in you! Your feelings are valid, and your fear is very real, and I'm so sorry that many people don't understand it. If you don't have emetophobia, please read this and attempt to be careful around people who do.