So you've just returned from a beautiful week of spring break. Whether you spent your time partying by the beach or relaxing on the couch, spring break is often a time of rejuvenation and joyful memories. As you unpack and admire your freshly bronzed skin, you come to a horrible realization - you have to go back to school.
As the first Monday after break looms over your head, you realize just how unmotivated you are to return to real life and the responsibilities that come with it. Although it is comforting to know that you are halfway done with the semester, there is also the realization that an entire second half still remains. From tests to projects and even the dreaded year-end finals, it seems that the academic finish line is nowhere in sight.
Although you may be counting down the days until summer, it's also important not to wish away your entire semester. Although the coming weeks will inevitably be filled with stress, all-nighters and mental breakdowns, they will also be filled with joyful times spent with those you love.
It is far too easy to focus on all that you have to do during the second half of this semester and forget about all the amazing things you get to do, too.
We must remember all of the memories that are yet to be made. We must remember all the time we have yet to spend with those we love. We must remember that despite the overwhelming obligations we may have, college is an amazing opportunity to grow both inside and outside of the classroom.
College is a unique time in life that should be cherished, not wished away. The time spent in the classrooms and with friends will never happen again. Once our time in college is over, we can never truly get it back. We as students must realize how blessed we are to be getting an education at all. So many people do not even have the opportunity to attend college, a bleak fact that we often forget.
It also important to remember that soon enough we will be counting down the days until graduation. At that point, our days as college students will be numbered and the real world will truly be looming over our heads. The days of seeing our friends around campus, staying up chatting on the weekdays, having dance parties and simply being young and carefree will be nearing their end. We must not spend so much time sulking and stressing, that we wake up one day to find that college is over. As cliche as it may sound, we must not be so focused on the destination that we forget to enjoy the journey.
There are so many beautiful moments in college that we take for granted, simply because we focus solely on the negative and stressful parts. So while the hours in class may seem to last forever, the time we spend with those we care about will fly by.
As you drag yourself to your first class after spring break, remember that even these moments are special. Even though you may be facing a test, a paper and a presentation all in your first week back, remind yourself that these challenges are part of the bigger beautiful picture that is college.