Throughout my life so many people have told me how goofy I am. Friends, family, acquaintances, even strangers have commented on my unintentional silliness. I was reminiscing this past week on all the most embarrassing moments I have had in my life because I was trying to cheer myself up. I asked all of my closest friends to name a few of the most embarrassing moments they have witnessed with me in their presence and here are the results:
My little sister: "That one time you opened the door for that really attractive guy and when he said thank you, you said thank you back." Yes, this happened, and it wasn't the only time.
My cousin: "Anytime a rap song comes on you literally snap your fingers." This is also true. I just can't help it.
My friend: "The time you jumped off of a moving golf cart and broke your wrist. When asked why you did that you said, "Thought I could land it." This is a little out of context, the golf cart was about to tip over and so I jumped off, but my tuck and roll didn't quite go as well as I had it planned in my head. I laid on the ground for a minute and my friend's mom though I was concussed; I wasn't. I just broke my wrist but still nobody believed me until a couple days later.
My best friend: "Your whole life is an embarrassment." There is truth behind this statement. I am the epitome of embarrassing sometimes.
My friend: "When you ripped your pants in front of your coworker while working." I had never ripped my pants before, so this was a new one. I should have been completely embarrassed but for some reason I just could not stop thinking about SpongeBob at the time. My boss didn't really know what to do. I think he was embarrassed enough for the both of us.
These are all 100% real life events from yours truly. I have broken many bones, caused completely normal, non-awkward situations to become awkward, and have done countless goofy things. I was once compared to Phoebe from my Friends (not my favorite comparison ever). Now that I think about it, there may be some truth behind that comparison.
I'm writing this article to remind everyone that it's okay to laugh at yourself every now and then. Don't take life so serious. Whether you're quirky, nerdy, giddy or just plain goofy like me, embrace it. One of my English teachers from high school always said you've got to own it. When you're doing something weird in the corner and clearly embarrassed, then its just embarrassing. If you own it then most likely people will join in on your goofiness. Embrace the embarrassing and join me on the path to light-hearted goofiness.