Why is it so hard for one to accept change? Whether it happens in a day or in a year, change will always be apart of life. Are the unplanned changes bad or good? In my opinion, when you least expect something it can make you grow as a person. Change can either make or break you. It all depends on how you take control of the situation. Looking back in my life, change is the reason why I am the way I am today.
Losing and gaining relationships is a huge part of life. Whether it comes from a messy breakup or losing a friend, these relationships can play a huge factor in your life. If a relationship is toxic, get rid of it. There should not be one person in your life who brings you down, stresses you out, or makes you feel like you're less than you're really worth. The boy that you fell in love with may not be the man that God created to be your soulmate. Friends may not have your best interest at heart, but there is always someone out there who will care for you.
Many of us are still stuck in the past. Being stuck in the past does not give you the chance to have a better future. Why is it that we still grip onto things that make us sad or bitter? Leaving one's comfort zone is a scary thought. We all get comfortable of having a routine or being in a situation that hasn't changed for us. By getting out of these 'situations' gives one the chance to explore other options. Being open-minded can get someone far in life. Therefore, since most will resist change, successful people can use this to their advantage.
When we move forward, we don’t move backward. By doing this, we move ahead from our past and into a more positive future. Although it may be hard for someone to see the good in change everything works out for the best. Once you embrace the idea of change, the best is yet to come. Change gives one the opportunity to succeed in anything, if you have the will to do it. It gives one the potential to get rid of any what-if questions or regrets. It allows someone to grow into the person that they were made to become. As well as it will lead to personal growth, and can make you brighter person.
Maybe it's just me, but once you start to learn how to accept change it helps you think differently on how to make choices. Becoming a stronger person is the hardest kind of change. Don’t change just for change’s sake; do it because you want to. Changes become pages. It is about closing one chapter and opening another one. Changes bring new beginnings and more opportunities in life. One never knows of what the outcome may be. When you change from your usual path there will be plenty of options for you. Small changes become more important. One day at a time, small changes will eventually lead you to the desired big one. Change helps you look at life in a new perspective.
Depending on what the situation is, it may also make you reflect on your life morals. Even though it may occur because of a negative situation, change almost always leads to something good. The ability to go from resisting change to embracing it can be possible. However, it may be difficult, but one can achieve this. So the next time you are faced with an experience which causes your reality to change, try to embrace it. God gives us the strength to make it through each day with change. He is the reason of why we get through each day, and His love shows it.