There are many ways to brighten up a bad day. Everyone has different pick-me-ups; going to the gym, eating ice cream, surrounding yourself with friends or submerging yourself in a good book. I have tried all of these, and sometimes they work. Unfortunately, this summer has been unusually rough on me. My general life obstacles, anxiety, and depression have been kicking me down lately. However at the start of the summer I began watching "Grey’s Anatomy"; I am slightly embarrassed to admit that I have finished ten seasons within the past four months.
Despite loving the show, I have learned a thing or two from the crazy seemingly cursed characters on the show. Specifically I have adopted the routine of a 30 Second Dance Party. For those of you who don't know, the show as a whole is stacked with crisis after crisis. Nevertheless Meredith and Cristina often take a break from reality by stopping whatever they are doing-no matter how glum or serious- and dance. The eventual surgeons don’t let their lack of ability to dance stop them from cutting loose in their own fun and careless way.
I lost a best friendship this summer. It was not a situation I was prepared for. I would call her anytime anything went wrong; when I needed to vent or when I was upset. Then I found myself on my own, in a sense. But, watching this lovable yet crazy pair dance some of their woes away, I decided that I too would attempt to dance it out. I put on some of my jam music and just started dancing as carelessly as I could. I am by no means a talented dancer, but no one was around so there was no judgement. With the music blaring and my limbs flailing around, I actually felt a little less stressed out.
Over the past two weeks, I have definitely been dancing more often. I created my own 30 Second Dance Party playlist on Spotify. It has become my go-to, feel good playlist. I find myself dancing when I come home after a long day, while cleaning, and after completing those daunting adult tasks. My personal playlist consists of a multitude of unrelated artists. From Beyoncé, Childish Gambino, and blink-182 ranging to The Jackson 5, Jimmy Eat World and Casey Abrams; this list has all my feel good hits. I have even succeeded at getting my partner to dance around with me. Although he hates dancing, he has noticed how this has been mood booster for me and has begun to encourage 30 Second Dance Parties.
Perhaps dance breaks are exceptionally effective because it has a myriad of great benefits for the body as well as mind. Dancing improves one’s lung and heart condition, while improving one’s self confidence and overall psychological well being. I encourage anyone who is struggling to attempt having your own personal dance party, even if it only is for 30 seconds. Put on your favorite jam and find a place that you feel safe in. No matter if you are a professional dancer or the have the best Sprinkler move down; just cut loose, hop and maybe flail around a little.
The 30 Second Dance party may not work for everyone, we all release stress differently. But what is the worst that could happen if you try? You put in a little cardio? For me, it is now my go to mental break. I have found myself dancing a little out in public too. If you are fearful of the judgement try to remember that if dancing makes you happier, no one has a right to take that away from you. No matter how terrible of a dancer you and I may be. I told my partner the other day that; even so I may be singing the wrong words and silly dancing he can’t critique me until he starts dancing too. Hopefully this technique will help at least a handful of people out there.
In the wise words of Cristina Yang; "We have to dance it out. That's how we finish this."
Happy dancing fellow humans.