As I am getting ready to move to a new town, a new school, and basically start a new life for myself, I have been doing a lot of thinking about change. Change is inevitable. Typically, no one likes change. It's something that challenges our comfort zones and forces us to climb out of the norm that we are accustomed to. Change isn't always what we want, but many times change is really what we need. If we never change, in a small or large sense, how will we ever grow and reach our full potential? How can we truly live to the fullest and become our best self? While it is occasionally true that some change isn't always the best, usually change is God's way of showing us all the new and wonderful things he has in store for us. I have learned to look at change as being a blessing and an opportunity for betterment, and I think everyone should do their best to start looking at it this way too.
We are all afraid of change, some more than others. But honestly, why are we so afraid of it? From my own personal experience, it is the horrible thought that if I give up something that is sort of working for me now, what if I don't gain something better? What if I'm not happy with something else? But let's imagine this: it's 10 years from now, you're still dealing with the same situations in life, you haven't progressed at all in your career, hobbies, relationships, etc. Would you really still be happy? If yes, then maybe you don't need change. Maybe you're one of the lucky few who are where they need to be and need no more progression in life. But, if you are like the majority rest of us, I highly doubt you will still be happy. That being the case, why are we still so afraid to change? Like I said before, it's the uncertainty of the outcome that scares us, and unfortunately it scares some of us so much that it will hold us back from true happiness and growth.
Another fear that many with a fear of change have is a fear of the unexpected. Unexpected change is the the scariest kind, but in the end it usually turns out to be the greatest blessing looking back on it. Some people who you've been closest to for so long could walk out of your life. Maybe you are moving to a new town, changing jobs, or changing your lifestyle. There could be a big new responsibility coming your way that you aren't sure you're ready for. It might be one of the hardest things you'll ever have to do, but once you breathe fresher air, and realize how happy this change has made you, you see why it had to happen. This is the case with change. It isn't always easy. You might go through a really tough time. But once the storm is over, the skies become clear and the flowers grow fuller and more beautiful than ever. It is then when you realize why the rain had to come.
We will always be hesitant towards change, but if we push through and have faith that God is taking us where we need to go, we will be rewarded with more than we can even imagine. Change isn't God taking something away, but instead it is Him giving us what we actually deserve and more. Embrace the change life throws at you. Years from now, you'll look back and be so glad you did.