If you are anything like me, the feeling of "I don't know what I am doing" is actually the most terrifying thing in the world. Knowing that you are in a situation that you have no control over creates anxiety like no other. Clammy hands, puddles of sweat in every crevice of you body and the feeling that your heart could jump out of your chest or stop beating all together at any second is most unpleasant. You like being in control of your own future. When something stops that from happening, you are at a total loss and have no clue how to go on.
Well, I am here to suggest the absurd: What if, instead of cringing every time something can't be controlled and avoiding situations with unknown outcomes, you embrace it? What if you actually seek out these experiences?
It is so easy to fall in to this pattern where we do what is simple. We do things a certain way because we know the outcome, and it is favorable. We don't want to take risks because it makes us vulnerable. It makes the outcome unknown, which pushes us into the unknown.
But what happens when we chose to live our entire lives in this perfectly controlled bubble where nothing bad can happen? We would avoid relationships for fear of failure and loss. We wouldn't travel, for fear of getting lost in a foreign land with unfamiliar people. We wouldn't talk to people on the train for fear of them having different life views than us.
So, this is what I propose to you people of the internet: EMBRACE THE UNKNOWN. Take risks! Trust yourself and your instincts to carry you through the unknown situations of life. Every situation has an outcome. It's Cause and Effect, like they teach you in elementary school. You don't have to know the outcome for it to be a good outcome. The best outcomes can be those that you didn't see coming. So do things that are going to be great in the moment, and deal with the outcomes later. Do something that you have always want to do. Do something that scares you or that excites you. Do something that you never thought you would do in a million years.
This life we have is short; don't spend it weighing out every option. Do what makes you uncomfortable and embrace what you don't know is coming.