We live in a colossal world. The immense size spans thousands of miles with millions of problems for billions of people. Each member of this earth has had a bad day, all seven billion of them. My point is that you are not alone.
Life is a series of highs and lows and it’s okay to be low. In fact, we should embrace our lows more often. This is the only way we can delight in the highs that life blesses us with. An appreciation that only comes from knowing what the worst feels like.
Whatever is bringing you down; the election, family problems, or even if there is no reason at all, it’s okay. Sometimes when I’m having a bad day I think I am not being grateful for my amazing life or that I’m taking life for granted. But having a bad day makes you human. Humans are feeble creatures that need a break every now and again.
If you are a having a bad day, stop and ask yourself what the root of the problem is. This will help you avoid taking it out on others. Confront the issue if it needs to be confronted or simply let it go. Forgiving others and forgiving yourself is the most freeing act any person can commit.
Sometimes people just need to recharge, however. We tend to get drained by all of the expectations and responsibilities we carry on our shoulders. Unload for a weekend and relax. There is nothing wrong with taking care of yourself. In fact, it is healthy.
I like to get off my phone. I feel that Instagram and Facebook can be a draining aspect in our lives when we use it too much. Those apps showcase picture perfect images of others seemingly perfect lives. While, obviously, that is not reality because those people have hard times as well. But it still can be hard when we constantly compare ourselves to others through social media.
Instead, read a book, watch a movie, eat some comfort food, get a change of scenery. Take a day for yourself. We don’t have to be going full throttle, giving our A game, one hundred percent of the time.
Sometimes though those tips might not work. This is when people just need to let it out. Talk to that person that provides the most comfort in your life. Your mom, best friend, therapist, whatever. Don’t keep in your pain. Doing so will make the mind dwell on the ache, the trouble, the misery. When talking about it and forming an understanding, the pain can turn into clarity, peace, and a learning experience.
You have gotten through every single one of the bad days you have had so far in your lifetime. Why can’t you get through this one as well?
Remember this quote when a day is not going right:
“Never regret a day in your life: good days give happiness, bad days give experience, worst days give lessons, and the best days give memories.”