Whenever I complained about not having the “newest thing” growing up, my parents always reminded me to be thankful for what I had. I remember thinking, “I have lots of things but not the thing my friend just got.” Little did I know, at the time, just what my parents meant when they told me to be thankful. Furthermore, as I progressed through high school I finally accepted the fact that my parents are really wise and give great advice. I mean... Imagine that? Our parents are actually pretty smart. What?
Being thankful is about so much more than outwardly showing thanks toward someone or something. Moreover, we should treat every day like Thanksgiving. Each day, we must realize and appreciate faith, family, and friends.
On a different note, life is hard and it is very easy to get that “down in the dumps” feeling. We must not let life get the best of us. Rather, we must be strong, have positive thoughts, and surround ourselves with good vibes. If you sense negative thoughts creeping into your mind, mingle with positive thinkers, and it will amaze you how much of an influence they will have on your thinking.
Some of the best advice I have ever been given is “to take one day at a time.” Furthermore, try not to get bogged down in the busy things of this perishing world. Instead, choose to conquer one day at a time. Be joyful, not just happy. There is a clear difference between joy and happiness. Happiness lasts only for a while, whereas joy is a daily choice and outlook on life. Henri J.M. Nouwen once said, “Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.” We are each given one beautiful life to live on this Earth.
Therefore, should we mope and be down throughout life or choose pure joy and gladness?
Our days are filled with negativity and pessimistic thoughts, yet we can choose to be positive and optimistic thinkers. Do not look for the bad in every situation. Instead, find the good things in life and be thankful for all opportunities. Life is truly a beautiful and special gift that God has granted us. So, we need to act like that. We need to embrace life, in good and bad times, dance in the rain, love on others, be present, and make time for the people we love.
We only have so much time and giving others some of that is such a great gift. Be present! Live in the moment. Do not regret the past. Ask for forgiveness, settle the situation, and move on to bigger and better endeavors. You are more than your past. You are the present. The now. This day.
“Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.”