Last week, President Obama advocated for allowing transgender students to use the public school bathrooms that match their gender identity, not the sex on their birth certificate, which is what the controversy in North Carolina is surrounding.
Needless to say, conservatives around the country are in an uproar.
This is another bold step in Obama’s presidency regarding LGBT rights, and many hard-right conservatives are displeased with the perceived affront on traditional, American ideals. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott issued a tweet on Thursday that said, “Obama can’t rewrite the Civil Rights Act. He’s not a King.”
Additionally, according to the Star-Telegram, Lit. Gov. Dan Patrick vowed at the Republican Party of Texas state convention that future legislation will “keep men out of ladies’ rooms,” because “when you go to the restroom, the M does not stand for ‘make up your mind,’ and the W doesn’t stand for ‘whatever.’” Gov. Abbott also promised to help North Carolina fight transgender bathroom policies.
Despite popular conservative reasoning that insists the backlash to these propositions is rooted in safety, the crux of all the impassioned speeches and jokes (yes, Lit. Gov. Patrick turned the issue into a laughing matter) is the issue our country is most familiar with as of late: discrimination. Color it however you like, but more often than not, ‘standing for traditional, American ideals’ seems to mean standing for xenophobia, standing for prejudice.
These ad populum arguments rouse supporters because of their diction rather than their logic, quite simply due to the fact that the arguments are riddled with holes. It’s naïve to claim allowing transgender individuals to utilize the bathroom whose gender they identify with will lead to an outbreak of sexual violence and abuse. For starters, transgender people have already been entering public bathrooms that align with their gender identity! Obama’s directive targets the issue on a public school/university level, which will promote tolerance and safety – two things many transgender men and women do not have the luxury of receiving, despite being two qualities essential to feeling welcomed. Without the feeling of acceptance, individuals cannot focus on their education as intently as their peers who do not face harassment.
Bad people are going to be bad people. If a pedophile wants to enter a bathroom to target a young boy or girl, he/she is going to do it. However, that’s not the issue on the table. Transgender individuals are not automatically pedophiles, and to assume so is a groundless generalization overwhelming in ignorance – a trait I’d really prefer public officials to not have. If conservative politicians are suddenly so worried over this matter, why are they not instead focusing on those who actually commit such crimes, or reaching out to victims in search of suggestions as to what would make them feel more safe?
It’s disappointing to hear my leaders oppose social reform that will advance equality, especially in such aggressive words when the president’s directive is just that – a directive and not a law change.