Not All Eloteros Are Mexicans | The Odyssey Online
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Not All Eloteros Are Mexicans

Don't forget to add yogurt.

Not All Eloteros Are Mexicans
hector flores

If you grew up in a Latinx community or worked around a community in which the majority of the people were Latinx then you were probably familiar with raspados, elote, chicharones, and hot dogs. Let's face it you most likely also chased after the elotero (the guy selling corn) or the guy selling raspado(shave ice). And it is totally fine if you did chase after them.I did it and still do. There's no shame besides we gotta satisfy our taste buds.

Growing up or working in a Latinx community made you realize that selling elotes, ice cream, raspados, or any other food on the streets come with a risk. The risk of getting stopped by the police and having them throw your merchandise away. Yes, it does happen I remember seeing cops do this when I was 7. That day my views on cops changed. I was with my parents about to buy empanadas while several ladies that were selling pupusas were packing their food fast because the cops were coming. Unfortunately, several did not finish on time so when the cops came they were told to leave the premises but the cops also threw away their food. Another risk is getting a ticket and having to pay it with the money that would have helped you with food or pay the rent. Selling on the streets as a person of color is risky but regardless of the risk my people will still find a way to make a decent living in this world.

Since lots of people know that Latinx people are the ones that sell food on the streets like elotes they tend to assume that all of them are Mexicans. If you are one of those just stop. Not all latinx are Mexicans. I mean we are brown and speak Spanish but that does not classify us as Mexicans. Where exactly I'm I going with this?

Well, a couple of days ago somebody from Tastemade UK decide to make a video about Mexican corn which I can only assume they got this idea by seeing the corns that the eloteros sell. Also, by assuming that every brown person that speaks Spanish is Mexican which is why the video is titled" Mexican corn" by doing this you are being ignorant and not recognizing all the other countries in Latin America. This website title their video Mexican corn like why would you do that? First off if you are going to make a video that represents a country make sure to get the right information, in this case the right ingredients.

The video was just so upsetting. According to their ingredients in order to make a Mexican elote you need: Corn, feta cheese, Parmesan cheese, yogurt, mayo, lemon peels, chives, & paprika . THIS is wrong like eww why would you even want to mix mayo and yogurt together? Them making this video wrong upset me and also because you're taking away from the hard work of the eloteros. Anyway if you want to know how an actual elote from the street taste like go look for an elotero.

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