Come the second half of spring semester, the college environment begins to change a little bit. Before spring break, the thought of summer seems so far away. After spring break, summer is just weeks away, which is both good and bad. It's good because, in just a few short weeks, students will finally be relieved of the grueling work and busy schedules. It's bad because it means the end of another year of college. The seniors will graduate, you'll have to leave the nice college environment, and things will be different.
As summer is less than two weeks away, I can honestly say I've never wanted to stay in one place so badly, which is weird. After every other semester, I have been more than ready for a break from school. I have been excited to pack up and leave for a bit, spend time with my family, not worry about work, and just have more free time. But this year is different. I am not ready to leave college, the fun environment, and my friends who are never further than a 15-minute walk away.
There's something about the college environment that changes this time of year. In my past two springs at Elon, I've noticed the things that the end of the semester brings, and I'm sure other students can relate.
1. Trying to either get rid of or desperately hold onto meal swipes and meal dollars
There are two types of people when it comes to meal plans. There are the people who use theirs constantly, rationing their meal swipes daily and making sure their meal dollars will last them to the end of the semester. Then, there are people who never use their meal plan and end up having so much to spend at the end of the year. That's me. As a result, I am constantly offering to buy people food and get meals with them. That's how you know it's getting close to the end.
2. So many dogs on campus
BEST PART OF THE SPRING. There are already tons of dogs on campus but when it's warm out, students play with their dogs outside and take them on walks more often. It's so nice passing some good dogs on the way to class, on the way to dinner, etc. Elon, never stop letting the dogs out.
3. EVERYONE is selling things
My Facebook page is currently blowing up with people posting their old clothes, furniture, etc. for sale. When it's the end of the year, people start to think about moving out and panic about how much stuff they have. I know that I somehow managed to accumulate way too many clothes over the course of the school year, and I'm not sure how I'm going to get it all back home. But seriously, last year, I remember seeing posts on Instagram and Snapchat where girls advertised that they were selling their clothes. It's actually quite a fun time.
4. So many outdoor events
Another thing that happens more towards the end of the semester is an increase in fun outdoor events. Now, that is due to the warm North Carolina weather (FINALLY), but it's also a sign that summer is coming soon. It's usually a good thing to be outside in the spring, except when it's unbearably humid or teachers who move class outside try to actually make you do work.
5. Mixed emotions are everywhere
This isn't strictly for Elon students I'm assuming. Spring is a weird time for everyone. The mixed emotions come from the happiness that summer and freedom are coming, paired with sadness that we have to leave some of our closest friends and greatest adventures. It is always fun to think about the cool things you'll do over the summer, but friends will miss each other. Unless you're a senior (sorry guys), you're not too sad because you know you get to return to Elon in just a couple months.