If I could be a cartoon character, I’d be Eloise, the rambunctious girl who lives on the top floor of the Plaza Hotel. Her independence, confidence, and spunk amuse and inspire me.
I, like Eloise, enjoy spending my alone time roller-skating through hallways, exploring the nooks and crannies of my immediate community, and creating imaginary worlds in my closet. Well, maybe I don’t regularly roller-skate or lock myself in closets, but I do remember some of the vital lessons Eloise taught me.
She taught me that we’re often forced to be independent and to fend for ourselves.
She taught me that it’s always good to question everyone and everything and to never take anyone too seriously.
Lastly, she taught me that her spirit, imagination, creativity, and general disregard for rules, while at times troublesome, can lead to a colorful and exciting life even in the most mundane of situations.