Recently there was an outburst of disapproval at the sight of Ellen Degeneres and George W Bush seen together. Why is this such a big deal? Yes, they are two people from different sides of political parties but why should that be the deciding factor as to whether or not two people can be friends?
Ellen has been on a career roller coaster with Hollywood from the beginning. She had her own show called Ellen (1994-1998) but because she CAME OUT during the course of a season her show was canceled and she was rejected by everyone. But years later she came back and was accepted and even looked up to by the people of the LGBTQ community.
And now Ellen is being judged by people who claim to be her followers and big fans for having a moment caught on camera of her being with George W Bush, a Republican and former President of the United States. People were outraged to see the two of them together.
Ellen, however, took this bad publicity to say that it's ok that she's friends with someone who doesn't believe everything that she does. I believe this was brilliant on her part and that more people need to take a page from her book. Years ago before everything was so messed up in our country people were ok with being friends with people that supported different beliefs.
But now you can't say anything about the political parties you represent or your beliefs on gay marriage or even the movies you like, for crying out loud.
It's like we've become a world of people that can't have opposing viewpoints on anything.
I applaud Ellen for her bravery to say what she was thinking instead of backtracking and saying something to appease the masses. She had nothing bad to say about former President Bush, she simply said they are friends and left it at that. She doesn't care what everyone thinks of her having a Republican friend.
I think as a nation we should take a page from Ellen's book and stop caring so much what everyone thinks of us. If we have friends of a different sexual orientation, political party, skin color. What does it matter what other people think? Why are we all so caught up in caring what others think of us? And why can't we all just get along?
Is it so hard to be accepting of someone that believes differently than you? Let's be more like Ellen and just not care about the beliefs of the person and learn to accept people for who they are, how they believe shouldn't be an issue.
Ellen has always been one of my favorite people in Hollywood and she will remain that way. Thank you, Ellen, for showing us all how to properly behave in this world as decent human beings. Maybe one day we will all be more like you.