Ellen Quizzes 7-Year-Old Periodic Table Expert | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

10 'Ellen' Videos To Show The Overwhelmed College Student In Your Life

Because Ellen DeGeneres can distract us from all of our problems, always.

the Ellen Show on Instagram

Have you ever found yourself getting lost in the endless spiral that is videos on Facebook? More specifically, the EllenTube videos that seem to go on forever? Because, yea, same. Watching Ellen videos not only help me procrastinate from the seemingly 43 other things I have going on, but they also remind me that there are little joys to celebrate every day. As a college student trying to navigate the world and the transition to adulthood, it is extremely easy to fall down the rabbit hole and get overwhelmed in a millisecond. Ellen's videos give us something to help us out of the hole and help us get through the day, no matter if you need to laugh, happy cry, or just be reminded that there are things to be thankful for.

Chrissy Tiegen & Average Andy Go Through a Haunted House

If you're like me and like watching other people get scared instead of getting scared yourself, this video is for you.

Ellen's Backstage Scares Ft. Kris Jenner, Ciara and Her Staff

More scaring people because, you know, why not.

Melissa McCarthy and Ellen play 'Danger Word'

These two could do literally anything together and it would be hysterical.

Ellen's Very Special Episode of 'The Bachelor'

Better than any episode of 'The Bachelor,' like, ever.

Ellen Surprises Harlem School with New Learning Lab

Happy tears are FLOWING.

Ellen & Jon Dorenbos Surprise an Inspiring Philadelphia Eagles Fan

Even though I'm not an Eagles fan, this video makes everyone feel great inside.

Ellen Meets Viral College Acceptance Brothers

In case you need a reminder why a college education is so important.

Ellen Meets An Amazingly Motivational Teacher

Celebrate the teachers in your lives, especially the ones that have made a positive difference!

Ellen Quizzes 7-Year-Old Periodic Table Expert

If a 7-year-old can do it, so can you!!!

 #AlexFromTarget Meets #EllenFromEllen

If #AlexFromTarget can become famous, so can you.

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Christmas tree
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The 5 Phases Of Finals

May the odds be ever in your favor.

Does anybody know how to study

It’s here; that time of year when college students turn into preschoolers again. We cry for our mothers, eat everything in sight, and whine when we don’t get our way. It’s finals, the dreaded time of the semester when we all realize we should have been paying attention in class instead of literally doing anything else but that. Everyone has to take them, and yes, unfortunately, they are inevitable. But just because they are here and inevitable does not mean they’re peaches and cream and full of rainbows. Surviving them is a must, and the following five phases are a reality for all majors from business to art, nursing to history.

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How To Prepare For The Library: Finals Edition
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

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Thoughts While Studying For Finals

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