I'm going to be honest with y'all. It's been a weird semester. Like really weird. A lot was going on and a lot happened, and I can't say that I handled everything exactly the way I should have. I wrote a few passive aggressive articles and just tried to finish out this year.
I can't apologize for the way I handled things because I don't exactly regret it. I hurt some people, and some people hurt me. But we all came out of these experiences still kicking and relatively unscathed.
Anyway, I was scrolling through Facebook, and I saw a meme that I related to and that completely described the emotional state I was in. I'm sure you've seen it - "the Elle Woods I am vs. the Elle Woods I'm trying to be."
AND IT SPOKE TO ME ON A SPIRITUAL PERSONAL LEVEL. It made me feel so much better. Reese Witherspoon is insanely inspiring as it is, and if her most iconic character, Elle Woods, can go through the worst breakup ever and go from a "dumb blonde" to a Harvard graduate, I could do anything, too! So this semester, I took a page out of Elle Woods's book. She was my role model as I tried to make it through this semester in one piece.
1. She knows it's ok to be single.
Elle Woods doesn't need a man in her life and neither you not I do either. It's okay to be alone and focus on yourself. Sometimes, that's the very best thing you can do for yourself. You do not need a man to define your work, and Elle Woods is living proof.
2. She knows she has value.
You have so much more value than you could ever know. You may not always feel like it right now, but you are important. Be determined and find your self-worth in the things you do.
3. She's not afraid of a challenge.
4. She knows you have to have faith in people.
Yes, people are going to let you down. It's a fact of life. People can be real buttheads. That's a fact of life, too. But they aren't all bad. You have to have faith in people. They're companions, peers, leaders. You have to look for the best in people. Everyone has something to offer (including yourself).
5. And you must always have faith in yourself.
This is so important. Have faith in yourself. You can do anything you set your mind to. Giving up is not an option for you. You will continue to grow and learn and prosper.
Lead by Elle Wood's example. Be who you are. Do not let anyone make you feel lesser because you're different, because you're true to yourself. Just because you got your heartbroken doesn't mean you should give up on people. Because people will break your heart. But people will also put you back together again.
You feel like you can't succeed but you CAN! You can work hard and strive to accomplish your goals. And I hate to sound like a cliche but you really can do almost anything you set your mind to.
Do I sound like her graduation speech yet? So you may be the crying, tear-soaked, mess of an Elle Woods right now, but keep trying, keep working, and you can be the successful, pink suited Elle Woods who won Brooke Windham's case.