Growing up as a woman in this generation has never been an easy task. Republicans are trying to take away all rights to control a woman's body. With Ella Vos' song, this is my personal opinion in response to the anti-abortion act.
"You don't know what you talk about, It's all lies that come out your mouth"
A couple of days ago, I read some quotes from a couple of Republicans that were trending in all forms of my social media. "Even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape it is something that God intended to happen." Why the hell are we involving God with politics in the first place? NO. GOD did not intend for rape to happen. Rape is a human act done by our nasty and vulgar human beings. Life does not begin in a horrible situation, it is not a life that begins; it is a life that is ended when a human commits when he rapes her. She could be 10 or 30 years old, but GOD did not intend for rape to happen, and that "life" shouldn't be there in the first place. Being pro-life doesn't make society give a s**t about what happens to both that "life" and the victims after birth. These are the most ignorant words I have ever read from someone so "important" and "educated" this man claims to be.
"This is my body, this is my war"
The most absurd thing about it is that these laws against women rights are all written down and passed down by MEN. Since when have these men ever gotten raped? Since when have they given birth? "If a woman has the right to abortion, why shouldn't a man be free to use his superior strength to force himself on a woman, At least the rapist's pursuit of sexual freedom doesn't in most cases result in anyone's death." WHAT THE HELL did I just read? If a woman has the right to abortion it's only because it's her body and her war, and her choice. This man that spoke these words that believes himself to be superior isn't going to carry this fetus in his womb, he doesn't even have a uterus in the first place. Rape IS NOT the pursuit of sexual freedom, rape is a sexual assault involving sexual intercourse against the person's consent. A man should not use any strength to write laws about a woman's body, because it is not his war, nor his uterus.
"Say what you're gonna say, I don't care anyways."
By making abortion illegal, they are only taking away the SAFE option to a procedure. It doesn't make it less frequent or for it to disappear, it only makes the procedure more dangerous because believe it or not abortions will continue to occur. These women are going to dangerously travel to other countries and risk their life because their land of freedom banned it.
"Why the hell should you decide? You don't know about everything going on inside."
A woman is born out of a powerful woman that gives birth to her and all human beings. A woman isn't just here to give birth to human beings. A woman should have and lead a life of her own choice, just like these men. A woman should hold the power to create the type of life she wants. Keep your politics out of the woman's uterus.
You don't know about me...