So after waiting months and months, you finally receive the letters from all the colleges you have applied to. And congrats, you got into every single one. Now you have to decide which one is the one you really want to go to and which ones you will say, "See ya!" to.
1. Cost
You should already know how much each school will cost, but make sure you go back and compare each to each other. Cost isn't going to fully make the decision for you but it is something to consider. If you don't want to have a lot of loans after college, this could make the decision for you.
2. Scholarship
Each school is going to give you different amounts of scholarship for a number of different things, so go through and subtract the scholarship given from the cost. Some schools may give you a lot of scholarship, but the cost of you school may be so high that it could still be the most expensive school on your list.
3. Work
Are you trying to work during college or just looking for something to keep your your mind off school work? Look and see if the colleges offer work study or if there are businesses near by that you can apply for. Working during college will help with the costs.
4. Distance From Home
Take a look at how far away the colleges are from your home. If you want to be able to drive home and visit your family on the weekend, then go for one of the schools that is closer. If you don't want to risk your parents stopping by for a surprise visit, pick a college a bit further away.
5. Visit the School
Whether you visited before you applied or haven't seen the school yet, visit the campus. You may see something you didn't see before or you may realize you hate it. Either way going back allows you to compare each college not off of memory of the campus.
6. Dorms
Think about the dorms that the schools have. If you are a people person and want to live with more people, then look for schools that offer triples and suites. If you are more introverted, look for schools that have singles and doubles.
7. Clubs/Sports
Maybe you weren't planning on joining clubs or playong sports when you applied, but it doesn't hurt to look at what the school has to offer. Look and see if there are any clubs you may be interested in later on. You will need some fun in college, so look for clubs that can take your mind off school work for a little bit.
8. Friends
Do you want to go to college with yourself your friends or do you want a fresh start? If you are good with meeting new people and making new friends, then go to college without your friends. If you aren't, go to school with your friends.
9. Class Sizes
Think about how big the classes usually are. Do you want more intimate classes where the teachers know all of your names or do you want ones where you are less likely to be called on when you don't know the answer?
10. Study Abroad
Do you want to visit different countries while at college? Depending on whether you have a major or are undecided, could make the decision of whether or not you are able to study abroad
11. Can you See yourself There?
This is the most important step. Try to imagine yourself on that campus. If you can't picture yourself there, then don't go. If you really loved a college, you should be able to picture you living on campus, going to classes, and joining clubs.