My mom never really tells me "I told you so" but there have been plenty moments in my life when she very well could have.
1. I should have brought a jacket.
I can't even count the number of times I went out to a restaurant, movie or somewhere else and my mom told to bring a jacket in case I got cold, and I swore up and down that I wouldn't need it. Almost every time, I ended up wishing I had brought a jacket.
2. I shouldn’t have worn that much eyeliner.
For some reason in middle school, I thought it was a good idea to outline my whole eye in a thick line of black make up, which made me more or less resemble a raccoon thrown in the water. My mom would try to politely suggest that maybe "less is more" but I would just roll my black outlined eyes and claim that this was the way everyone wore it.
3. I should be more careful about what clothes I put in the dryer.
My mom is always warning me that things shrink easily in the dryer. And that I should pull out items that I don't want to shrink and just hang dry them. I probably should have taken heed of this warning because I've lost many dresses, jeans and shirts because of that exact reason.
4. That dress was too short.
This is actually really embarrassing to even admit, but, once during my freshman year of high school, my mom told me a dress was too short (probably because I put it in the dryer), but I ignored her and wore it anyway. At some point, I bent over slightly and my friend told me to not bend over again. I was mortified, and remained standing up stick straight the whole night with my hands glued to my sides holding my dress down. Ever since, I always ask my mom if she thinks my dresses are too short.
5. I shouldn’t have waited until the last minute.
6. I should have studied more.
While I may have thought watching Netflix and going over my notes for a test the night before was a good idea, my mom didn't. And while I may have been surprised when I didn't get the grade I expected on a test, my mom wasn't because she knew I should have studied more.
7. That friend wasn’t a good friend.
My mom is an amazing judge of character. She liked almost all of my friends, but there were several over the years that she was skeptical about and she wasn't fond of them. I always told her she was being too judgmental, but several months would go by and my mom's fears would come true.
8. I was capable of it.
My mom has always been extremely supportive. Every time I said I couldn't do something, she would tell me I could, and almost every single time I did.
9. The only way my life was going to change was if I changed.
This was something my mom told me a lot in high school when I wasn't having the greatest time. She said I needed to step outside my comfort zone if I wanted to accomplish all I wanted to accomplish. Now in college, I have done that and I'm much happier with where I am and who I am.
10. It WILL be all right.
11. I should have listened.
So many mess ups in my life could have been avoided if I had listened to her original advice. I guess the saying "mother knows best" rings with some truth.