If you are anything like me, expressing your emotions may not come naturally to you. People may say you are emotionless, but you have emotions – you just don’t always express them the best way.
1. You’ve been called cold.
Hey, I actually really like the cold, so I’ll take it as a compliment.
2. You laugh at inappropriate times.
Someone could be talking about some deep, depressing thing, and all of a sudden you feel the corners of your mouth turning up and you start laughing. Everyone looks at you like you are the worst person, and you feel like it. You obviously don’t find the sad story funny, but you just don’t know how to handle it.
3. Your heart has been referred to as a black hole.
The joke that just gets funnier each time.
4. You aren’t the best at comforting people.
You don’t like when your friends are upset, 1) because your friends are sad, 2) you don’t know how to make it better and 3) you are very awkward when it comes to comforting people. You will try, but for the most part you just end up patting them on the head and telling them “don’t cry,” partially because you don’t want them to be upset, and partially because you don’t know how much longer you can handle the tears.
5. You don’t like crying in front of people.
You have nightmares about crying in front of people, because crying in front of people means people attempting to comfort you, and asking you way too many personal questions, and you don’t want to deal with that.
6. People have told you they want to see you cry.
You may think this actually hasn’t happened, but I’ve had multiple people tell me a goal of theirs is to make and see me cry. I tried not to take it personally?
7. You’ve tried to make yourself cry.
This sounds really weird, but there have been social situations where a lot of people cry (graduations, funerals, etc.) and you don't want to seem heartless for just one second, but you physically can’t. Tears will not fall from your eyes.
8. You make jokes at the wrong time.
You always try to lighten the mood, but have learned the best time to make a joke isn’t when a girl is sobbing about the boy who broke up with her.
9. You apologize if you ever get too emotional.
When you go on a rant or get into your feelings, you catch yourself, and then apologize for getting like that. In response, you get confused looks, and told you don’t have to apologize.
10. People don’t know how to handle you when you do show emotion.
In the rare occasion you discuss your feelings, people often stare at you blankly unsure of how to approach the situation, or get excited and start asking a million and one questions hoping you will keep pouring out emotion.
11. You have emotions, you swear.
You just don’t express them the same way as everyone else.