While I use to joke around and say I wished I had a little sister, I'm so grateful that I have the brother that I have. My little brother may be a pain at times and annoy the heck out of me, but he is undoubtedly one of my best friends, and there are a lot of things I appreciate about him.
1. Teaching me how to play GTA
I never really got into video games, with the exception of Mario Kart. When my brother got an Xbox, though, he eventually convinced me to venture past Mario Kart and introduced me to Grand Theft Auto. My life changed. While I still am not sure exactly what the point or the ultimate goal of the game is, I do know it’s surprisingly fun and entertaining to run around via video game stealing luxury cars, wave runners and the occasional city bus.
2. Dealing with my lack of sports knowledge
3. Always being down to watch Family Guy
4. For not being too embarrassed of me in high school
As an older sister, you know there comes a heartbreaking point when your little baby brother no longer thinks you are cool, but rather is mortified to be related to you (every older sister experienced that right?). Well even though my brother probably didn't appreciate me getting overly excited to see him in the halls, or my friends yelling "have a good day, sweetie honey pie" at him during his freshman year, he would still always wave to me and maybe even talk to me.
5. Always being able to make me laugh
6. For always having my back
My brother will be the first one to make fun of me or roast me, but he is also the first to jump to my defense. The maddest I’ve ever seen my brother is when someone has crossed me or treated me poorly. He knows I can handle myself, but it’s nice knowing he is always on my side and I have his support if I ever did need it.
7. For being a role model despite being younger than me
A big misconception is that the older sibling is the one the younger one looks up to. Don’t get me wrong, it's kind of our job to guide them, and I hope I've helped my brother one way or another with life and advice. I'd be lying, though, if I said I didn't look up to him (both figuratively and literally because he has been taller than me for the last three years). He is persistent and goes after what he wants until he gets it, and it's motivated me to be more persistent and more proactive at chasing after my goals.
8. For keeping it real with me
9. For being my PIC at family vacations/ functions
10. For having sibling telepathy
11. For understanding me
This may sound cheesy, but I feel like my brother is one of the few people in my life who truly gets me. He knows all the things that make me tick; he knows when I’m upset, even if I’m not acting like I am; and he knows what I’m really passionate about. He can read me better than anyone I know, and I’m glad I got to grow up with someone who understands me the way he does.