Being in college is hard enough, but when you catch that nasty cold everyone seems to have? Life just sucks. If you experience these eleven things all in one week, that's when you know you're feeling down and out. Good luck.
1. You call your mom from CVS twice in one week.
So, you're away from home, starting to feel like crap, and your mom isn't there to take care of you. But you're a college student used to struggling, so you make do.. by calling her to ask what you need. From your local CVS. Twice, because a few days later, you still aren't better. Thank god she knows exactly what to recommend.
2. You wear lots of yoga pants and leggings.
A week in college is basically four days - since no one who loves themselves has class on Friday and nobody's about to judge on the weekends. So if you wear, say two pairs of yoga pants and a pair of leggings in a week, there's maybe one class you got dressed for. Sure, college is prime time for comfy clothes, but you know you feel awful when you set a new record for amount of lounge wear worn in public.
3. You spill some kind of medicine all over yourself.
For me, it was eucalyptus oil on my leggings. And that's not to mention the furniture. Anyway, I'm guessing I'm not the only miserable one to spill some kind of liquid that's supposed to help you feel less like death when trying to use it. Sickness does not help us less coordinated, am I right?
4. You sleep through half (maybe all..) of your 9 am.
Whether it's on purpose or not, you know your body is sending you a real message when you need more than your usual few hours between the early am and say, seven to nine o'clock.
5. Your classmates keep their distance.
Sleeping through an early class is one thing, but that afternoon class with the professor who's crazy about attendance and participation? You should probably go. By all means, keep the yoga and hoodie and overall hobo look going on - it will send the first warning sign to your classmates that maybe you're not feeling great. Then they'll hear the sniffles and start shooting you dirty looks when you cough. They'll noticeably keep a few more inches, maybe feet, away than normal. You can't really blame them; you wouldn't wish this upon anyone.
6. You actually take a bath.
Let's be real: a lot of us don't even shower every day because it's time consuming. And then a bath? I don't remember the last time, before this week, that I sat in a nice, hot bath. But sometimes you gotta take a little extra time for yourself, so splurge. (After thoroughly cleaning your tub, if you live in a dorm - also, sorry to those in a dorm without tubs).
7. You call in sick even though you're poor.
It's such a relief to stay in the comfort of your room when you don't feel good, but unfortunately, it does mean missing out on some of those work hours, which means a smaller pay check. It sucks, but again, you gotta take care of yourself, physically, above anything else.
8. Tissues everywhere.
They are basically filling every trash in your dorm; crumpled, little white corners are sticking out in your bathroom, your bedroom, on your desk, coffee table, nightstand. It's crazy how often your nose needs to be blown - not to mention annoying.
9. You drink SO much tea.
If it's marginally more than normal, you know that says a lot.
10. You lose track of how often you wash your hands.
It's self-explanatory; you're terrified of feeling any worse than you already do.
11. Each of your roommates take a turn.
College is not a time of personal space. You live and study in close quarters with others. If one or more of your roommates starts sniffling a day or two after you, that's when you know you really caught (and then passed along) that bug going around campus. Hopefully everyone will take their turn quickly, and it'll all be over in a few weeks.
Again, hang in there. *Grabs 873rd tissue of the day* 'tis the season of colds, unfortunately.