I ignored the hype for two weeks, and then finished the season in two days. Yes, "Stranger Things" has taken over the world, and the hypothetical Upside Down– and, well, rightfully so. I'm not usually the sci-fi type, but I'm so happy I jumped on this train. It is brilliant. There are a few things that I can't stop thinking about– whether they make me mad, cry tears of joy, or make me feel like I'm crazy– that I just have to share:
1. This kid.
Dustin Henderson aka Gaten Matarazzo aka the most adorable creature on Earth. How can you help but smile when he comes on screen? Have you seen his instagram (https://www.instagram.com/gatenm123/?hl=en)?! He has a HEART. OF. GOLD.
Random bonus: I found this picture of Gaten and Olivia Newton-John, and, I don’t know, I just feel like my life is complete.
2. Barb.
You're not, Barb.
Okay, about Barb. I get it– she deserved more. I mean her own mother didn’t even care that she was missing for, like, years. I truly hope she gets justice in season two, but you have to agree– She DOES need to chill.
3. I love Eleven and Mike's relationship, in the non-creepiest way.
"Promise" is the new "Okay," from "The Fault In Our Stars."
I need a boyfriend.
4. I'm turnt for the amount of "Stranger Things" Halloween costumes that are bound to happen this year.
Y'all better start creating now: The competition is already fierce.5. ... and then, Christmas will come along, when I'll think the blinking lights on the tree are actually my loved ones talking to me.
"WINONA WAS RIGHT. THE WHOLE TIME," is what will run through my head as the nerves set in.
6. The 80s-tastic world that the story takes place in.
Bowl cuts. Period.7. Baby Holly.
Honestly, there hasn’t been enough hype over Baby Holly. The twins that play her, Anniston and Tinsley Price, need to become this generation’s Mary-Kate and Ashley– who come back for the reunion season.8. Kellogg's Eggo Waffles, however, are greatly appreciated, and I appreciate that.
9. Speaking of food...
... I bet Benny Hammond’s burgers were really good before he was murdered, protecting Eleven. While y’all are complaining about Barb, you’re ignoring the true unsung hero of the story. #RIPBenny.
10. The insane amount of new faces on this show makes this theater major really, really happy.
Really original– I know– but DUH. I'm obsessed. She's basically the epitome of what you wanted to be when your 4th grade teacher asked you what superpower you would have, if you could– and she has them all!!
Plus, Millie Bobby Brown, the actress who plays her, is 12 years old, and already so much better at life than I am. But, I don't even care: She's brilliant, and I can't wait to see her– what is sure to be–incredible career unfold.
Bless this show, and the people who gave the okay for a second season.